Bril. J. Psychiat. (1977), 130, 68—71 Capgras' Syndrome and Cerebral Dysfunction By MARTIN A. HAYMAN and RICHARD ABRAMS Summary. Two cases of Capgras' syndrome in association with coarse brain disease presented. are The authors suggest that prosopagnosia (face non recognition) may be the primary expression of a specific cerebral dysfunction which forms the basis for a delusional elaboration resulting in Capgras' syndrome. INTRODUCTION macular sparing suggested Capgras' syndrome (Capgras and Reboul Lachaux, 1923) is considered a rare, colourful right temporal radiation. MacCailum (1973) illness in which the patient believes that a person, usually a close relative, has been replaced by an exact double or impostor and maintains this false belief despite evidence to the contrary. Although it often occurs as an isolated finding, the Capgras syndrome has usually been described as a manifestation of Capgras' syndrome involvement presented in association five of the cases with of the following primary conditions: (a) toxicity and cerebral anoxia secondary to broncho pneumonia; (b) right-sided hemiplegia secondary to basilar migraine; (c) an alcohol paranoid state; (d) poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, with a buttock infection and folate schizophrenia. Enoch, Trethowan and Barker (1967) assert that, since the syndrome occurs in a clear sensorium, ‘¿it is obvious that there is deficiency; and (e) possible malnutrition. In each of these cases resolution of the primary organic illness resulted in remission of Capgras' no organic basis to the condition; but it is symptoms. In the second case with right-sided rather a functional illness and as such is ex hemiplegia secondary to basilar migraine, an EEG revealed bilateral theta waves more plained on a psychodynamic basis'. Other prominent on the left side. In the fourth case authors (Vogel, 1974 Todd, 1957; Haslam, (diabetes, infection, and folate deficiency) 1973) have also stressed this viewpoint. spatial disorganization was elicited by drawing However, in recent years an increasing number of reports have appeared describing the tests (not specified). This suggests non-dominant hemisphere dysfunction (Wheeler and Reitan, Capgras syndrome as a manifestation of organic brain disease.Weston and Whitlock (i@7i) 1962). presented a case of Capgras' syndrome in a Hay, Jolley and Jones (i@7@) discussed a case of Capgras' syndrome which developed 20-year-old male who was unconscious follow ing head injuries sustained in an automobile after a course of ECT in a middle-aged mentally retarded woman with pseudohypopara accident. He had subsequently developed thyroidism. EEG revealed a background of evidence of bilateral temporo-parietal damage, medium voltage dominant theta activity, with a frontal lobe syndrome, a severe memory defect with mixed dysphasic involvement, and low voltage delta activity spreading into all areas, more marked on the left. A subsequent generalized intellectual impairment. The pre sence of ptosis of the left upper eyelid, left EEG resembled the initial tracing, with some divergent squint with diplopia, and anisocoria evidence of focal abnormality in the left temporal with the left pupil larger than the right mdi region. Interestingly, the EEG dysrhythmia cated a left third nerve lesion. Further, an coincided with the florid Capgras' symptoms incongruous left homonymous hemianopia with and improved as the symptoms resolved. 68 MARTIN A. HAYMAN AND RICHARD 69 ABRAMS Faber and Abrams (1975) presented the case of a 47,XYY male with symptomatic schizo phrenia who, in addition to mild mental retardation, displayed Capgras' syndrome. EEG revealed predominantly left-sided slow activity. To alert physicians to the frequency of brain disease in patients with Capgras' syndrome we report the following two cases in which the syndrome was associated with organic brain disease; the cases were seen during a four month period on an acute treatment adult general psychiatric unit. a capacitor for electromagnetic waves. He also thought his parents had been replaced by CASE REPORTS presence of constructional apraxia. His WAIS was abnormal in that his performance IQ was impersonators (Wheeler Case i (T.J.) This 37-year-old, white, engineer was admitted the to divorced University Psychiatric Service with a two-year history of misidentification of familiar faces. He insisted that his ex-wife, siblings, and physicians were impostors, and claimed he could detect slight differences between the ‘¿actual' individuals and these impostors. He had been well until seven years before the index admission, at which time he suffered a and that they had conversations with famous people. Incomplete auditory hallucinations were the only perceptual dis turbance present. No first rank symptoms of Schneider were present, and cognitive functioning and orientation were complete. Admission physical findings included left hemi plegia and hemianaesthesia. An EEG revealed a right-sided temporo-parietal slow focus. A Reitan-Indiana Aphasia Screening Test and 88 while Reitan, his verbal 1962) IQ was showed ioo. the There was no family history of mental illness. The patient showed a moderate response to haloperidol, 30—50 mg hydantoin, 30 mg b.i.d. improved, syndrome. daily; he also received diphenyl ioo mg t.i.d. and phenobarbital, He was discharged but with residual to his mild own care, Capgras' Case 2 (R.S.) This si-year-old, white, widowed mother of three was admitted to the University Psychiatric Service with the delusional idea that her two sons, who lived with her, were actually ‘¿boarders', that her real sons were dead, and that three years previously someone left with a persistent left spastic hemiparesis and thalamic hemisensory syndrome, minimal had killed her daughter. disorientation, and mild difficulty in per She had been well until four years before the forming sequential tasks. Psychological testing index admission, at which time she was admitted a year later showed a normal intelligence with to hospital for similar symptoms, responding some difficulty in performing higher mathe well to neuroleptics. At age i6 she was in an matics. At this time he had the first of his left automobile accident and suffered brief loss of brachio-facial focalmotor seizures, which were consciousness. About 20 years before the index subsequently controlled withdiphenyihydantoin admission she used to drink ‘¿a bottle of rum and phenobarbital. During the next year delu fortnightly and continued to do so for five years. sional ideas developed and these eventually led She was an endomorphic woman and showed to three admissions to psychiatric hospital lability of mood but no blunting of affect, mild withina two-yearperiod,and a year laterto impairment of recent and remote memory, theindexadmission. poor judgement and insight, and disorientation On admission he appeared as a friendly, alert to time. Thought disorder was not present. She man without blunting of affect and with expressed several delusional ideas: she thought cuthymicmood. His speechwas tangential and that her neighbours could ‘¿listenin' on her he used the stock word ‘¿wedlock' repeatedly. conversation and that someone was trying to rupture of capillary telangiectases of the right frontal lobe, resulting in a huge right fronto parietal, right lateral ventricular, and right basal ganglia hematoma, demonstrated at open surgical evacuation. He recovered, but was There was no other evidence of formal thought disorder. He had the delusional idea that he was ‘¿breakin' to her home. She said that Richard Nixon livednearbyunder thename ofRichard CAPGRAS' SYNDROME AND CEREBRAL DYSFUNCTION 7° Smith. Intelligence Physical @ tion of the tactile was estimated as borderline. examination hand revealed stimuli discrimination bilateral on double and extinc simultaneous a left palmomental reflex. She was obese and mildly hypertensiiie. Waking EEG showed symmetrical biparietal slow activity Indiana in the theta range. Aphasia structional Screening apraxia. Skull The Reitan Test showed con X-rays, brain scan and CSF were normal. Blood testing revealed mild diabetes. A sister was confined to a state mental hospital because of epilepsy; but there was no other family history of mental illness. The patient's misidentification of her children persisted despite a four-week course of halo peridol, 20—45mg a day. Marked urinary retention made it necessary to discontinue drug therapy. This was followed within one week by disappearance of the Capgras syndrome and improvement in het other delusions. She was discharged to return to her family; but her sudden improvement remains unexplained. DIscussIoN Although Capgras' syndrome has been equated with schizophrenia, neither of our patients would satisfy rigorous criteria for this diagnosis because of the presence of signs and symptoms of coarse brain disease. A ‘¿released'psychosis Meadows (,@7@) gathered 42 cases of proso pagnosia from published reports over a period of years, in 8 of which necropsy was per. formed. He reported that the right occipito.. temporal region is always involved, though in each case there has been some lesion in the left hemisphere too. Commenting on Meadows' study, The Lancet (i@@) also be implicated such as a family palmomental reflex history and of schizo constructional apraxia, and the aetiology was presumed to be head injury. Pincus and Tucker (i@i@) suggest that a specific type of visual agnosia, non recognition of faces, originates in a single retro rolandic parietal lobe lesion and occurs three times more frequently with lesions of the right cerebral hemisphere than with lesions in the left. Bodamer (x@7) suggested that the inability to recognize familiar variant of visual faces was agnosia a quite which prosopagnosia (i.e. ‘¿face non-recognition'). because of of pattern and topography. We suggest that in our patients prosopagnosia may have been the primary expression of a specific cerebral dysfunction and that this formed the basis for a delusional elaboration resulting in Capgras' syndrome. This process could be considered analogous to the develop ment in patients with Korsakov's psychosis of confabulations, which then function to mask the amnesic defect. With these points in mind, we further suggest Capgras' syndrome that physicians encountering should patients for underlying and more particularly examine their organic brain disease, for prosopagnosia. is unlikely phrenia or a premorbid schizoid personality. There was evidence for right-sided cerebral dysfunction in both cases. The first patient had demonstrable right-sided brain damage with consistent EEG and behavioural abnor malities. In the second patient, right cerebral dysfunction was inferred from the presence of a left concluded in prosopagnosia its role in the recollection because of the absence of identifiable predispos ing factors tentatively ‘¿that the essential damage is of cortex adjoining the striate and parastriate areas, and also of the underlying tracts, among which is the optic radiation'. The non-dominant hemisphere might he specific called REFERENCES BODAMER,J. (i@7) Die Prosopagnosie Physiognomieerkennens). (Die Agnosie des Archives .Wervenkrank, 579, 6—53. C&voitas, J. & RanouL-LAcIxAux, P@hiatrisch, J. (,ga@) Illusion des sosies dans tin d6lire systématisé chronique. Bulletin de la SociltéClinique de Medicine Mental., II, 6-i6. Eo@.u@z. (ig7i@) Prosopagnosia. Lancet, ii, 388—9. ENOCH, M. D., TiutmowAN, W. H. & BARKER, J. C. (1967) Some Uncommon Psychiatric Syndromes, pp 1-12. Bristol: John Wright & Sons. FABER, R. & 47,XYY ABRAMS, R. male. 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(i@7i@)The Capgras syndrome and its laterality of brain damage predicted from responses psychopathology. American JOuriial of Psychiatry, to a short aphasia 131(8), 922—4. Skills,. 15, 783—99. Martin A. Hayman, Richard Abrams, screening test. Perceptual and Motor M.D., Resident in Psychiatry, Assistant Instructor of Clinical P@hiatry, M.D., Associate Professor of P@ychiafty, From the Department of P@ychiatry and Behavioral Science, State University of New Tork at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New Tork iz,@, USA Requests for reprints should be addressed to Dr Hayman, 20 Redwood Drive, Great River, New York 11739, USA. (Received 23 February 1976) Capgras' syndrome and cerebral dysfunction. M A Hayman and R Abrams BJP 1977, 130:68-71. 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