18616ournal of NeurologAy, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 1996;61:186-193 Memory without context: amnesia with confabulations after infarction of the right capsular genu Armin Schnider, Klemens Gutbrod, Christian W Hess, Gerhard Schroth Department of Neurology A Schnider K Gutbrod C W Hess Division of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation A Schnider K Gutbrod Division of Neuroradiology, University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland G Schroth Correspondence to: Neurologische Universitatsklinik, Inselspital, CH-3010 Bern, Dr med Armin Schnider, Switzerland. Received 17 January 1996 and in revised form 29 April 1996 Accepted 3 May 1996 ment in the conscious, deliberate recall of information".' However, various behavioural patterns indicate that the "amnestic syndrome" is not a single entity. Some patients are much more impaired in freely recalling than in recognising previously presented information, deny any failure of their memory, and sometimes confabulate spontaneously and in memory tests. This type of amnesia has been documented in patients with orbitofrontal and basal forebrain damage after rupture of an aneurysm of the anterior communicating artery,2-7 in some patients with paramedian thalamic infarction,89 and in the early course of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.'0 By contrast, some patients also fail to recognise and apparently feel entirely unfamiliar with previously presented information (indicating deficient information storage), are very concerned about the failure of their memory, and do not spontaneously confabulate. Distinct examples of this type of memory failure were seen in patients with severe amnesia after focal medial temporal lobe damage. "-13 Patients with orbitofrontal damage,'4 1' Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome,'617 and thalamic lesions'8 have also been shown to fail to store the temporal order and the context of information acquisition, a disorder which-in subtler form-was also shown in patients with dorsal prefrontal lesions sparing the orbitofrontal area.'920 Unfortunately, most reports did not provide any clinical observations as to the relevance of the disorder (behaviour in everyday life, insight, confabulations, etc). Although a loss of the temporal tag in memory was suggested by Van der Horst2' a long time ago as a possible mechanism of spontaneous confabulations, no data supporting this link have been presented so far. We describe a patient who had severe amnesia after an infarct involving the right inferior capsular genu and anterior thalamic nucleus. Amnesia after capsular genu lesions has been described but the reports either failed to further characterise the type of memory failure or to describe its impact on the patients' lives.2223 Our patient failed most recognition tasks because she felt falsely familiar with most distracter items. She had no insight into the failure of her memory and confabulated spon(J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1996;61:186-193) taneously and in response to questions, but confabulations seemed to be composed of eleKeywords: amnesia; confabulation; capsular genu; ments of true events. In a series of experiments recognition; context memory we tested the hypothesis that this memory disorder resulted from an inability to store the Anterograde amnesia can be defined as a "pro- temporal and spatial context of information found defect in new learning [with] impair- acquisition and was independent of the capac- Abstract Objective-To explore the mechanism of an amnesia marked by confabulations and lack of insight in a patient with an infarct of the right inferior capsular genu. The confabulations could mostly be traced back to earlier events, indicating that the memory disorder ensued from an inability to store the temporal and spatial context of information acquisition rather than a failure to store new information. Methods-To test the patient's ability to store the context of information acquisition, two experiments were composed in which she was asked to decide when or where she had learned the words from two word lists presented at different points in time or in different rooms. To test her ability to store new information, two continuous recognition tests with novel non-words and nonsense designs were used. Recognition of these stimuli was assumed to be independent of the context of acquisition because the patient could not have an a priori sense of familiarity with them. Results-The patient performed at chance in the experiments probing knowledge of the context of information acquisition, although she recognised the presented words almost as well as the controls. By contrast, her performance was normal in the recognition tests with non-words and nonsense designs. Conclusion-These findings indicate that the patient's amnesia was based on an inability to store the context of information acquisition rather than the information itself. Based on an analysis of her lesion, which disconnected the thalamus from the orbitofrontal cortex and the amygdala, and considering the similarities between her disorder, WernickeKorsakoff syndrome, and the amnesia after orbitofrontal lesions, it is proposed that contextual amnesia results from interruption of the loop connecting the amygdala, the dorsomedial nucleus, and the orbitofrontal cortex. Memory without context: amnesia with confabulations after infarction of the right capsular genu ity to learn new information. The patient's lesion interrupted the connections between the thalamus and the prefrontal (including orbitofrontal) cortex. We propose an anatomical model for temporal order amnesia and confabulations, which integrates the evidence from our patient and reports of patients with Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome and orbitofrontal damage. 187 remote personal and public events back to childhood years but confabulated on events occurring after the stroke. She seemed to recognise the personnel on the ward but often confused their names or confabulated on the circumstances of their meeting. For example, when asked whether she recognised one of the examiners, she explained: "You are Dr S (correct). We did physiotherapy this morning (she had had physiotherapy, but not with Dr S), then we worked on the computer (she had regular computer training, but not that morning and never with Dr S) where you showed me a camel and other animals composed of dots (referring to a perceptual priming test taken two weeks previously)". Thus her confabulations appeared to consist of freely arranged elements of previous actual events. She was discharged to her own home three months after the stroke. She needed regular assistance from her daughter because she was unable to organise her own household. She would forget to prepare the meals and would confuse appointments and events. For example, she retained a sample of urine every morn- Case report A 62 year old housewife with an 11 year school education was admitted to the Department of Neurology for confusion and memory disturbances insidiously evolving over five days. She had a four year history of mild hypertension and diabetes mellitus, which had been well controlled with atenolol, diltiazem, and glibenclamid. At admission, she did not know why she was at the hospital and denied any memory problem. Physical examination was normal except for high blood pressure (190/95). Blood glucose was moderately raised (9-8 mM) and lipid electrophoresis showed a decreased high density lipoprotein fraction. ing for several days stating that she had an Cardiac examination was normal. Carotid appointment with her family doctor (she had Doppler ultrasound showed discrete plaques actually had an appointment some days previat the carotid bifurcation. Brain CT showed ously). Convinced that she had a good meman isolated hypodense lesion involving the ory, she never used a shopping list and bought genu of the internal capsule and possibly the the same items several times, thus amassing anterior thalamus on the right side. A diagnosis for example, a considerable stock of toilet of right capsular genu infarction, presumably paper which she thought she had run out of. due to diabetes and hypertension, was made, Her daughter thought that the patient's memand the patient was put on aspirin. ory disturbance extended two to three years She remained severely amnestic. She never backwards. The patient was repeatedly astonacknowledged any memory disturbance and ished at the presence of "new" buildings in her maintained that she was in the hospital for her town that had been constructed during the diabetes. She gave precise accounts of past previous two to three years or at the decease of friends who had actually died in the same period. Table I Memory assessment NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATIONS Time after onset 3 months 7 months Task/Reference Score Percentile Score Percentile Digit span forward65 Corsi block tapping66 Wechsler memory scale65: Logical memory Immediate Delay Word associating learning: Immediate Delayed California verbal learning test26: 5 6 20 80 5 6 20 80 3 1 < 1 < 1 7 2 <1 <1 10 2 < 1 < 1 11 3 <1 2 4 2 5 12 4 41 < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 45 < 1 3 9 4 4 12 0 65 84 <1 3-5 < 1 9 20 1 5 2 12 6 < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 2 2 2 7 4 < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 21 19 14 - 21 21 17 9 9 4 - 9 9 3 Trial 1 Trial 5 Long delay free recall Long delay cued recall Recognition Perseverative errors Intrusions Rey-Osterrieth complex figure test: Delayed Recall67: Rey visual design learning test68: Trial I Trial 5 Delayed Recall Recognition Recognition, false positives (out of 15) Autobiographical memory interview30: Personal semantic memory Childhood (maximum 21) Early adult life (maximum 21) Recent facts (maximum 21) Autobiographical Childhood (maximum 9) Early adult life (maximum 9) Recent facts (maximum 9) 8 5 <1 <1 < 1 < 1 <1 - Neuropsychological evaluations were performed three and seven months after the stroke with essentially similar results. The patient had low average intelligence (WAISR24 VIQ 92; PIQ 90; FIQ 90). Language and associated functions as well as visuoconstructive and visuospatial capacities, phasic alertness, cognitive speed, and interference control were normal. Whereas verbal fluency25 was normal, design fluency26 was slightly decreased. Concept identification27 was impaired, primarily due to many perseverative errors. MEMORY TESTING Formal tests disclosed a severe verbal and non-verbal anterograde amnesia (table 1). Unlike "typical" amnestic patients, however, she repeatedly surprised the examiners with details from previous tests. What appeared to be confabulations were-with virtually no exception-intrusions of material presented in previous tests or semantically related material. For example, she produced even more "intrusion errors" in the California verbal learning test (CVLT)28 at the follow up examination after seven months, when form B was used, 188 Schnider, Gutbrod, Hess, Schroth than after three months; almost all of these task was composed with the items of two temadditional errors were intrusions from form A, poral order and spatial context memory tasks which she had learned four months previously. (described below). Each version of the recogMotor learning in a mirror drawing task29 was nition tasks was also given to two age matched normal. Retrograde memory was intact except controls. for the recent past: on the questionnaire of Kopelman et a130 she achieved perfect scores TEMPORAL ORDER JUDGEMENT (EXPERIMENT 2) for the first two periods (childhood, adoles- To test the ability to time label newly acquired cence, table 1). Only for the latest period information, two semantically matched lists (recent old memory), were her scores deficient with 10 common concrete words were comand she confabulated on several items. In a posed. Both lists were learned in the same famous faces recognition test she was shown manner one hour apart. All 10 words from a pictures of the Swiss Bundesrate (members of list were orally presented and the patient was the government) of the past five decades and requested to recall all words aloud. To ensure asked to name them. Whereas her perfor- learning of all words, the order of presentation mance was similar to age matched controls for was rotated by two words from trial to trial. previous decades, she failed to name the Learning trials were repeated until all words Bundesrate presently in office (most of them were recalled in at least three trials. One hour have been in office for several years); her per- after the last learning trial of list 2, free recall formance was more than 1 SD below the of all words from both lists was tested. Then, a mean of five age matched controls. However, list of printed word pairs with one word from she correctly recognised their names from list 1 and one word from list 2 was presented. All words from list 1 were paired with all three choices. words from list 2, once with the word from list 1 on the left, once with the word from list 2 on the left (2 x 10 x 10 words = 200 word Methods Because the patient's confabulations and pairs). She was requested to indicate for each intrusions in memory tests could mostly be word pair which word had appeared in the first traced back to earlier events or tests, we word list. One hour later, recognition of all hypothesised that her amnesia was based on words was tested by presenting each word with an inability to store the temporal order and three semantic foils. This experiment was perspatial context of information acquisition formed three months after the stroke. Because rather than the information itself. Thus she this task seemed very easy and was expected to would store new information but later fail to yield a ceiling effect, only two age matched recall or recognise it because she would be control subjects were tested. ignorant as to what stored information pertained to a particular situation. We composed SPATIAL AND PERSONAL CONTEXT experiments to explore whether she did indeed (EXPERIMENT 3) store new information and whether she had Even if the patient failed to time label stimuli, knowledge about the context of information recognition would still be expected to be better if she recalled the context (place, person) of acquisition. stimulus presentation. For example, recognition of priming task items should succeed FREE VERSUS CONSTRAINED RECOGNITION based on knowledge about the stimulus con(EXPERIMENT 1) The patient achieved bad scores in recognition text (the priming task), independent of the tasks due to many false positives. This experi- time of presentation. Two aspects of context ment explored whether her spontaneous memory were tested: attribution of a stimulus behaviour in recognition tests indeed reflected to the place where it had been presented (spavery poor knowledge about target items or tial context) and to the person who had prewhether she had better (implicit) knowledge sented it (personal context). The same word about the target items than suggested by her lists as in experiment 2 (performed four spontaneous behaviour. We composed a months previously) were used. The word lists recognition test with 16 line drawings from were presented by two examiners in their disSnodgrass and Vanderwart3' which had been tinctly different offices at the same time: after used in a perceptual priming task (test not every second learning trial of a list, the patient detailed here; her performance was normal). was brought to the other examiner's office for Each target item was presented with three two learning trials of the other word list until semantic foils (original drawings vertically criterion was reached for both word lists. After arranged and printed on 21 x 30 cm white one hour, recall was tested. Then 200 word sheets of paper). In the first run, she was asked pairs composed in the same way as in experito indicate the items that had been presented ment 2 were presented by a neutral examiner in the "test involving the drawings with dashed in one of the examiners' offices and the patient lines" (alluding to the masking of the drawings was requested to indicate for each word pair in the priming task) with no mention that only which word had been presented in this room one item per series was correct (free recogni- ("Which of these two words have you learned tion). Then a second run was made, in which in this room today?"). Thirty minutes later, she she was allowed to select only one item per was again presented with the 200 word pairs page (constrained recognition). This test was by one of the examiners in a neutral room and applied two days, one week, and one month requested to indicate "which of these two after the priming test. A similar recognition words have you learned from me today?". This Memory without context: amnesia with confabulations after infarction of the right capsular genu experiment was performed seven months after the stroke. As in experiment 1, because this task seemed very easy and was expected to yield a ceiling effect, we tested only two age matched controls. NEW LEARNING (EXPERIMENT 4) If the patient's amnesia was based solely on failed contextual labelling of information, she should be able to learn new information and to retrieve it if the time and context of presentation could not be confused and would be irrelevant for recognition. This hypothesis could not be tested with meaningful stimuli because their recollection might be particularly dependent on contextual knowledge. We used the non-verbal learning test of Sturmn and Willmes (NVLT)32 with nonsense designs and a verbal learning test (VLT) with non-words. Both tests consisted of 160 cards, each containing one stimulus. All cards were shown for three seconds, and the patient was asked to indicate for each stimulus whether she had seen it before. Both tests actually comprised eight series of 20 randomly ordered cards, each series containing eight recurring and 12 novel stimuli. The total number of recurrences was 56. The average interval between subsequent presentations of a stimulus was 60 seconds. The score was calculated as total number of correct recognitions minus total number of false positives. The normal values provided by Sturm and Willmes32 are based on a healthy control population of n = 400 for the NVLT and n = 314 for the VLT. Normal means (SD) were: NVLT 32-9 (10 1); VLT 37-7 (10-7). Results EXPERIMENT 1: FREE VERSUS CONSTRAINED RECOGNITION By contrast with the controls, the patient's free recognition was very unreliable: she felt familiar with all items that had actually been presented (perceptual priming items: 16 of 16 possible true positives; temporal order judgement and context memory tests: 20 of 20), but also with many or most distracter items (perceptual priming items: six of 48 possible false positives after two days, 36 after one week, 39 after one month; temporal order judgement and context memory tests: 23 and 25 of 60 possible false Table 2 Context memory Patient Temporal order judgment (experiment 2): Free recall (maximum 20) 8 Correct temporal order judgments (maximum 200) 103 Constrained recognition after one hour (maximum 20) 16 Spatial and personal context memory (experiment 3): Free recall (maximum 20) 12 Correct spatial context judgments (maximum 200) 109 Correct personal context judgments (maximum 200) 116 Constrained recognition after one hour (maximum 20) 18 Control 1 Control 2 12 180 11 181 19 20 14 197 200 14 200 200 20 20 Free recall was tested one hour after learning of list 2. Constrained recognition was tested as explained in experiment 1. 189 positives after one hour). The controls achieved perfect scores in these tests and had no false positives. The patient's recognition was much more precise in the constrained condition (perceptual priming items: 15, 13, and 14 of 16 possible true positives after two days, one week and one month; temporal order and context memory tests: 16 and 18 of 20 possible true positives after one hour). These results indicated that she had stored the test items considerably better than expected from free recognition. EXPERIMENT 2: TEMPORAL ORDER JUDGEMENT Table 2 summarises the results. Recall after one hour, immediately before making the temporal order judgement, was not much worse than in the controls (however, she produced many intrusions). By contrast, her temporal order judgements were random (52% correct; chance level, 50%), whereas the controls' judgements were 90% accurate (comparison of the patient and the two controls, x2 (2) = 114, P = 0-0001). In constrained recognition one hour after the temporal order judgement, she performed only slightly below the controls, indicating that her poor temporal order judgement did not simply reflect poor item storage. EXPERIMENT 3: SPATIAL AND PERSONAL CONTEXT Table 2 summarises the results. The patient's free recall before testing judgement of context was comparable with the controls. Her judgement of context was random (spatial context, 108/200, 55%) or near random (personal context, 116/200, 58%; random range, 100 (SD 13)), whereas the controls judged spatial and personal context of the words 99 to 100% correctly. Constrained recognition after one hour was comparable with the controls. EXPERIMENT 4: NEW LEARNING The patient's performance was normal in both tests: she achieved a score of 25 in the NVLT (29 correct; four false positives; percentile, 37) and 37 in the VLT (43 correct; six false positives; percentile, 56). LESION ANALYSIS Lesion analysis was based on an MRI (1.5 Tesla; STIR: TR = 3200 ms, TEf = 19 ms, TI = 165 ms) performed seven months after the stroke (figs 1 and 2). Axial images were parallel to the AC-PC line, and coronal sections were perpendicular to it. The damaged structures were determined based on comparison of the MRI with the atlases of Nieuwenhuys et al 33 and Van Buren and Borke.4 The lesion involved the inferior part of the genu of the right internal capsule and the right anterior thalamic nucleus (figs 1 and 2, horizontal sections). It extended all along the anterior surface of the thalamus and ventrally below the level of the anterior commissure, which was spared, and included the anterior and inferior thalamic peduncle. The inferior part of the column of the fornix was possibly involved (fig 1, coronal sections), whereas the mamillothalamic tract was spared. Schnider, Gutbrod, Hess, Schroth 190 I I Figure 1 MRI seven months after stroke demonstrating the lesion of the right capsular genu and anterior thalamus (bold arrowhead). Axial slices are parallel, coronal slices perpendicular to the AC-PC line. Note the atrophy of the anterior limb of the right internal capsule (thin arrows), which contains the projections of the dorsomedial thalamic nucleus with the prefrontal and orbitofrontal cortex. There was severe atrophy of the anterior limb of the right internal capsule. The dorsomedial and dorsolateral nucleus were spared. The lesion most likely represents infarction in the distal territory of the posterior choroidal branches.35 There were some additional tiny lesions of the white matter not exceeding typical age related changes. AFI1 Figure 2 Details from figure 1 (axial slices). The lesion (+) involves the capsular genu and the anterior thalamic nucleus (the small circle (0) indicates the position of the left anterior nucleus). Note the atrophy of the anterior limb of the right internal capsule (thin arrows) including the anterior thalamic peduncle (left picture). Discussion This patient's amnesia was disabling in everyday life and severe by traditional measures of memory functions (table 1). She did not seem to realise her failures; she was unconcerned and denied any memory problem. Some behavioural features suggested that she stored information considerably better than implied by her test scores: although she often confused previously met people and earlier events, she seemed to be familiar with them; her spontaneous confabulations could mostly be traced back to actual events, and the confabulations produced in memory tests were mostly intrusions from earlier tests. These behavioural findings motivated a series of experiments to test whether her memory disorder was based on an inability to store the context (temporal order, space, etc) of information acquisition rather than the information itself. The patient's bad performance in recognition tasks resulted from false familiarity with most distracter items. This impairment is reminiscent of the patient of Delbecq-Derouesne et al36 who showed particularly bad recognition with relatively preserved recall (however, with abundant confabulations!) after extensive, primarily right sided frontal and anterior temporal damage after rupture of an aneurysm of the anterior communicating artery. Delbecq-Derouesne et al explained the dis- Memory without context: amnesia with confabulations after infarction of the right capsular genu crepancy between recall and recognition with different strategies: recall requires an active searching strategy whereas recognition is based on a familiarity judgement.'6 This interpretation is supported by our finding that the patient's recognition significantly improved when she was forced to use a searching strategy for recognition, too (forced choice of one item only; experiment 1). Delbecq-Derouesne et al concluded that their patient's bad recognition "does not result from any lack of knowledge but rather from his inability to distinguish his experience of remembering from another kind of misleading subjective experience triggered by the distracters" but did not experimentally substantiate this idea.36 We hypothesised that our patient's false familiarity with distracter items in recognition tasks was based on an inability to coencode the time and the spatial context of the occasion in which information was acquired. Any type of information stored without these attributes cannot be related to a particular event and will easily be confused with elements of different events. Experiments 2 and 3 were consistent with our hypothesis: she recalled the temporal order and the context (place and person) in which word lists were presented at or near chance. This interpretation predicted that recognition would be normal if the context of information acquisition was irrelevant. We tested this prediction with a recognition task involving novel non-words and nonsense designs32 because the patient could not have an a priori sense of familiarity with these stimuli (experiment 4). She performed in the normal range for both types of stimuli, confirming that her memory disorder was not based on an inability to store new information. Our findings offer an interpretation of confabulations, the mechanism for which has been a matter of debate. Amnesia, albeit typically present, does not correlate with the severity of confabulations.'7-'9 Our patient indicates that an inability to store item specific information is not even necessary for confabulations (experiment 4). A combination of amnesia with prefrontal damage has been postulated.5 40 41 Although confabulations are often associated with deficient performance on frontal lobe tasks, it is unclear what "frontal dysfunction" would explain confabulations. Impaired "self monitoring" has been alleged,'942 but the physiological basis of "self monitoring" is unclear. Van der Horst speculated a long time ago that spontaneous confabulations resulted from an inability to maintain temporal order in memory.2' Our study lends experimental support to this idea. We propose that confabulations are based on an inability to temporally and contextually label information, resulting in confusion of elements of memory that do neither temporally nor contextually belong together. Confabulations may thus not reflect a subject's desire "to fill gaps in memory"43 but rather mirror the subject's spontaneous recollection of information stored with insufficient contextual clues. How does the patient's lesion account for 191 her memory disorder? Her lesion involved the connections of the thalamus with the hippocampus (anterior nucleus lesion) and with the amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex (capsular genu lesion). This lesion thus interrupted both limbic loops considered important for memory functions (hippocampus-fornix-anterior thalamic nucleus-cingulum-hippocampus; amygdala-dorsomedial thalamic nucleusorbitofrontal cortex-amygdala).44 Whether damage to the anterior thalamic nucleus is sufficient to cause amnesia in humans has not been established due to scarcity of patients with isolated lesions but was suggested by animal experiments.45 As the anterior nucleus has strong connections with the hippocampus (through the fomix and cingulum) but no significant connections with the amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex,448 it may be assumed that the behavioural syndrome emanating from damage to the anterior nucleus would be qualitatively similar to hippocampal rather than orbitofrontal damage. We suggest that the patient's anterior nucleus lesion was responsible for her relatively inferior, albeit normal, recognition of nonsense designs as compared with non-words (experiment 4). However, it is unlikely that the anterior nucleus lesion accounted for the main features of her amnesia-that is, the confabulations, false familiarity in recognition tasks, and lack of insight-because these are not characteristics of the amnesia after hippocampal damage.'2"3 We suggest that these features were due to damage of the loop connecting the amygdala, the orbitofrontal cortex, and the dorsomedial nucleus. Whether amygdala damage alone may produce amnesia is unknown because no single case with a previously healthy brain and isolated damage to the amygdala has ever been reported. Patients with inherited, slowly progressive damage to the amygdala (thus allowing continuous compensation of the damage) have been reported to show relatively mild, albeit significant, memory deficits.4950 Animals' performance in recognition tasks was markedly worse after combined lesions of the hippocampus and amygdala, indicating a significant role of the amygdala in memory processes.5' But this finding also seems to depend on the specific type of recognition task used and has been strongly contested.52 However, animal experiments may be of limited value in discussing our patient's amnesia because they depend on recognition tasks (our patient's recognition performance was normal under specific circumstances; experiment 4) and ignore some behavioural features that are so essential to human amnesia, such as free recall, confabulations, and insight. Paramedian thalamic infarction may produce an amnesia which is initially accompanied by confabulations. Chronic confabulations have also been described.9 Chronic amnesia after paramedian thalamic infusion requires a relatively anterior thalamic lesion involving the area which is normally supplied by the polar artery.53-55 Such lesions regularly involve not only the mamillothalamic tract but Schnider, Gutbrod, Hess, Schroth 192 also the internal medullary lamina, which contains the connections of the dorsomedial nucleus with the amygdala (unidirectional afferents) and the orbitofrontal cortex (reciprocal connections).535556 The amnesia due to Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, which is often initially indicated by confabulations, also seems to best correlate with the extent of damage to the dorsomedial nucleus'0; this correlation might be dependent on the anterior extension of damage-that is, interruption of the fibres from the amygdala on the way to the orbitofrontal cortex. The lesions associated with amnesia after rupture of an aneurysm of the anterior communicating artery involve the basal forebrain (septal nuclei, medial forebrain bundle, and other subcortical structures), the medial orbitofrontal cortex, or both.2356 Patients with combined lesions of the basal forebrain and the orbitofrontal cortex seem to produce markedly more intrusions (confabulations) in memory tests than patients with subcortical basal forebrain lesions sparing the orbitofrontal cortex.57 Our patient's lesion, which caused a type of amnesia similar to medial thalamic and orbitofrontal damage, disconnected the dorsomedial nucleus from both the amygdala and the prefrontal (including orbitofrontal) cortex as it involved the inferior and anterior thalamic peduncles,46 55 S as shown by the atrophy of these fibres in the MRI seven months after the stroke (figs 1 and 2). Her lesion thus provides a link between the lesions causing amnesia after paramedian thalamic infarction and orbitofrontal damage. We suggest that her amnesia, which-similar to the amnesia after paramedian thalamic infarction and orbitofrontal damage-was characterised by confabulations and lack of insight, was based on disconnection of the loop connecting the amygdala, the orbitofrontal cortex, and the dorsomedial thalamic nucleus. We can only speculate why a unilateral right sided lesion was sufficient to cause such a pervasive memory disorder. Initial confabulations were described after a unilateral right paramedian thalamic infarct.58 Patients with surgical removal of the right frontal lobe were found to be more impaired in making recency judgements about newly acquired information than patients with left frontal ablation.6t Additionally, talkative behaviour (hyperverbalisation) was demonstrated after right, but not left, frontal damage.6' It is therefore possible that patients with a similar lesion on the left side would not be as amnestic as our patient and would not confabulate. Finally, why would the connections between the amygdala, the prefrontal cortex, and the dorsomedial nucleus be so important for memory? Animal studies have shown that both the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex process stimulus-reward associations and may thus be important for the filtering out of behaviourally relevant information. A temporal integrative function of these structures has been proposed.6263 Even though the rewards and punishments used in animal experiments hardly rival the complexities of human emotions, we propose based on these studies- that the attribution of an "emotional" or behavioural significance to a stimulus by the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex may be the correlate of the temporal and contextual label of information. Because the amygdala and the orbitofrontal cortex have direct connections, the role of the dorsomedial nucleus is unclear. Recent studies concerning the visual system suggest a mechanism by which the dorsomedial-orbitofrontal connection might be critical. The visual cortex does not passively absorb information from neurons in the lateral geniculate body but seems to synchronise their activity.64 This feedback probably leads to stimulus amplification and may be essential for visual feature detection. A similar function may pertain to the orbitofrontal cortex: it might synchronise relay in the dorsomedial nucleus, a mechanism which might be important for "emotional" feature detection. We thank Professor DY von Cramon for helpful discussion, Dr J Bogousslavsky for advice on the localisation of the lesion, Dr W Sturm and Dr K Willmes for allowing us to use their recognition test, and Dr D Dreier for performing the MRI. The study was supported by grant No 32-40 432.94 from the Swiss National Science Foundation. 1 Bauer RM, Tobias B, Valenstein E. Amnesic disorders. In: Heilman KM, Valenstein E, eds. Clinical neuropsychology. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993:523-602. 2 Alexander MP, Freedman M. Amnesia after anterior communicating artery aneurysm rupture. Neurology, 1984; 34:752-7. 3 Damasio AR, Graff Radford NR, Eslinger PJ, Damasio H, Kassel N. Amnesia following basal forebrain lesions. Arch Neurol 1985;42:263-71. 4 DeLuca J, Cicerone KD. 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