Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology neurof@eport ALTHOUGH patients with blindsight are usually unable to discriminate forms, recent neuropsychological data have suggested that they could still use some form attributes in object-oriented actions. One patient with a complete right hemianopia due to a medial occipital lesion has been tested for his capacities to process orientation and size of visual objects. He was presented with either a slot of variable orientation or with rectangular objects of the same surface but variable length. His performance was studied in three types of tasks: motor, in which he had to insert a card in the slot or to grasp the rectangle between thumb and indexfinger; verbal, in which forced-choice verbal guesses were required; and matching, which required matching orientation or size with wrist or fingers. Although responses were at chance level in the two latter conditions, motor responses were system- atically influenced by both orientation and size of the stimulus. These data provide further evidence for two dissociable modes of visual information processing deal- ing respectively with ‘what"’ the object is vs ‘how’ to grasp it. They also indicate that the neural pathway controlling visuomotor transformation in humans is much less dependent on V1 input than the pathway involved in visual discrimination and identification. Key Words: Blindsight; Striate cortex lesions; Object- oriented actions; Form discrimination; Implicit processing; Neuropsychology NeuroReport 7, 793-797 (1996) Grasping without form discrimination in a hemianopic field M. T. Perenin™ and Y. Rossetti Vision et Motricité, INSERM Unité 94, 69500 Bron, France ©ACorresponding Author Introduction Blindsight - the unconscious residual vision present in patients with visual field defects of occipital origin—has raised important questions concerning the neural basis of consciousness as well as the role of extrageniculostriate vision in man. Although various residual functions have been demonstrated in corti- cally blind fields, the majority of them appears related to extrinsic properties of the object (e.g. location, motion). Patients with extensive damage to the primary visual cortex typically show remarkable capacities to orient their gaze or to point at targets presented in their ‘blind’ field, while being virtually unable to discriminate simple forms when forced to guess.'* This apparent dissociation between spatial and object vision may explain why little attention has been paid so far to the distal, grasping component of prehension. In recent years, neuropsychological studies have suggested that two separate visual systems are involved in perception and action. More specifically, a double dissociation has been found between perceiving objects and grasping them. Patients with optic ataxia are unable to reach and grasp accurately objects that they can see and describe normally.* © Rapid Science Publishers Conversely, accurate prehension of objects that are neither recognized nor described has been observed in visual agnosia.” This finding has created interest in the study of the grasping component of object prehension in blindsight patients, in search of a similar dissociation. In the present paper we report for the first time positive evidence for such a dissociation in a patient with a restricted left medial occipital lesion. This patient retained a capacity to process orientation and size of objects inside his hemianopic field, when asked to perform visually guided movements, but could not discriminate these same attributes using verbal or motor matching responses. Materials and Methods Case report: PJG was a 32-year-old man who had sustained a vascular infarction in the territory of the posterior cerebral artery following a migraine attack. MRI showed that the lesion was lying on the medial side of the left occipital lobe, mostly invading the primary visual cortex and optic radiations; it partially spared the occipital pole and did not extend dorsally beyond the paricto-occipital sulcus (Fig. 1). The only Vol 7 No 3 29 February 1996 793 neurofpeport FIG. 1. Magnetic resonance images of PJG’s brain (T1-weighted images) showing a hypodense lesion (dark zone) on the internal side of the left occipital lobe. Horizontal sections respectively at the level of the bicommissural plane (a) and 1¢m above (b), and left parasigittal section (¢). clinical deficit was a nearly complete hemianopia, as assessed by Tiibinger perimetry (Fig. 2). PJG did not complain much about his visual deficit; he did not stop driving following his vascular accident as he was aware of movement of the vehicles on his right (although without a genuine visual experience). He has been tested in several blindsight paradigms before the present study and usually showed good perfor- mance in pointing, discrimination of motion direc- tion® and completion of figures across the vertical meridian. However, he performed at chance level in discriminating simple geometrical forms (e.g. triangles vs circles) or lines of different orientations (c.g. horizontal from vertical) in his hemianopic field. Procedure: In the present study, performed 7 years after the stroke, the capacity of PJG to process orientation and size of target objects was tested in different experimental conditions. At each trial white stimuli fixed on a black vertical panel were brightly illuminated (contrast 95%) for 2s. The patient was seated 57cm from the panel, the head restrained with a forehead and chin rest, the left eye patched. He was required to fixate a central diode during each stimulation; this was controlled through a peephole with a precision of greater than 2°. Very few trials involving eye movements had to be discarded. Each 794 Vol7 No 3 29 February 1996 M. T. Perenin and Y. Rossetti 90 180 270 FIG. 2. Visual field of the patient's right eye using dynamic perimetry. A bright and large target (320cd m, 116’) is moved on a mesopic background (3.2cd m “). task was first carried out in the normal field (in order to ensure a better understanding of the task) and then in the hemianopic field. Orientation processing was assessed using a white slot (18cm long, 3 cm wide) which could be rotated in 45° steps inside the dark panel, either in the left or right visual field, on symmetrical locations, at more than 10° of eccentricity (x,y coordinates of the slot center: 20° from the vertical meridian, 10° below the horizontal meridian). The patient’s performance was explored with three different tasks, in blocks of 40 trials each. In the first task, he was asked to make a quick reaching movement in order to insert a hand- held card into the slot (to ‘post’ the card). Corrections following contact with the panel were not allowed. In the second task, PJG had to provide a forced-choice verbal response, by reading the letter corresponding to one of the four orientations drawn ona card. In the third task, he had to match manually the orientation of the slot by turning the card with the hand without reaching to the stimulus. Size processing was studied using white plaques of equal area but varying in dimensions by 1.5cm horizontal steps; they ranged from a square to an elongated rectangle (5 and 9.5cm respectively). They were fixed one by one on the black panel. PJG was first required to reach out and grasp the plaques between finger and thumb, with the fingers horizontally oriented. He was not allowed to perform any correction following contact with the panel. In the second task, he had to make a verbal guess, also using a multiple-choice card. Finally, he had to match the length of the plaque with the thumb and forefinger, without moving the arm. In Residual grasping in blindsight neurofpeport each motor task, the hand ipsilateral to the stimulated visual field was used. Performance analysis: Responses were video-taped and then scored through frame-by-frame analysis. For the orientation experiment, card orientation was measured on frontal, posterior views, in the 0-180° range, with an accuracy of 2°. In the ‘posting’ task angular values were recorded at the time the card made contact with the stimulus. For the size experiment, the aperture between index finger and thumb was measured on top views, with a precision of 0.5 cm. In the grasping task, both final aperture (hand in contact with the panel) and maximal aperture during the reach (known to be closely related to object size in normal subjects”) were considered. In order to determine whether PJG’s performance was systematically influenced by stimulus orientation and/or size, linear regressions were computed in each condition. An additional analysis was applied to verbal responses: as they could be classified as correct vs incorrect, their departure from chance was also tested by comparing their dichotomous distribution with the law of Laplace-Gauss_,. Results Orientation: In his left normal visual field, PJG performed normally in the different tasks. In particular, his verbal responses were always correct and he succeeded in ‘posting’ the card into the slot at each trial; motor matching was also very accurate (r=0.70, p<0.0005). Obviously he could not reach the same level of accuracy in his right, hemianopic field. Nevertheless, video analysis of the posting task showed that the final orientation of the card was significantly related to the slot orientation (r=0.314, p<0.05, r=0.463, p<0.005, respectively, in two different sessions, several months apart). Correct orientation was often achieved at an early stage during the movement. In contrast with his good performance in this task, PJG’s performance in the other two forced-choice discrimination tasks was very poor, whether he had to provide a verbal response (r=0.066, p >0.6) or to match the orientation of the slot by turning the card with the hand (r=0.078, p>0.6; Fig. 3). Verbal responses were also at chance level when classified in two categories: they were correct in only 12 out of 40 trials (p > 0.40). Strikingly, PJG took more time to respond (responses often occurred near the end of the illumination period) in the two latter tasks (despite encouragements to perform faster) than in the aiming task. Reaction times ranged between 450 and 600 ms in the ‘posting’ task but were often close to 2s in the two discrimination tasks. 120 ORIENTATION Reach 2 1007] oe Sc D 3 Response (deg) 40 Verbal~o 2014 . . 0 45 90 135 Target orientation (deg) FIG. 3. Task-dependent responses of PJG to target orientation inside his hemianopic field. While verbal (circles) and manual matching (triangles) responses are at chance level, reaching responses {orientation of a hand-held card when ‘posting’ it in a slot) (squares and rectangles, 2 different sessions) are significantly related to target orientation. Response (cm) Verbal © 7 5 65 8 9.5 Object size (cm) FIG. 4. Task-dependent responses of PJG to object size inside his hemianopic field. While verbal (circles) and manual matching {open triangles) responses are at chance level, grasping responses at time of maximal (filled triangles} and final (squares) grip aperture are systematically influenced by object size. Size: As in the previous experiment, PJG had no difficulty carrying out the different tasks in his left normal field. He succeeded picking up the plaques between forefinger and thumb at all trials and always Vol 7 No 3 29 February 1996 795 neuroffpeport M. T. Perenin and Y. Rossetti gave correct responses in the verbal task. Of course, he could not reach the same level of accuracy in his right, hemianopic field. However, his performance in the grasping task was well above chance. His finger grip aperture correlated remarkably well with the size of the object: this was true for both final grip aperture (in contact with the panel; r= 0.494, p< 0.001) and for the maximal grip aperture (during the arm transporta- tion phase; r=0.414, p<0.01). By contrast, PJG performed poorly in the other two tasks. He did not score better than chance, whether he had to give verbal responses (r=0.20, p >0.20) or to match with the index finger and thumb the length of the plaques flashed on the panel (r = 0.068, p > 0.60; Fig. 4). Verbal responses were also at chance level when classified into two categories: they were correct in only eight of 40 trials (p>0.40). Again responses in these two discrimination tasks were delayed with respect to the grasping task. Discussion Our findings show that a patient with a striate cortex lesion may retain a capacity to adjust prehension movements with respect to orientation and size of objects in his hemianopic field (see Ref. 10 for a brief qualitative mention of a similar observa- tion), despite a total inability to discriminate these same visual attributes by means of verbal or manual matching responses. PJG’s difficulty in the latter task was not one of understanding: he performed fairly well in his normal field with the same task. Moreover, when required to imagine a slot at different orienta- tions with his eyes closed, he could turn the card to the imagined orientation with a very good precision using his right hand (r=0.99, p < 0.0001). At first glance, the relative sparing of grasping in PJG could be explained by the fact that object- oriented actions requires less information than form discrimination. However this cannot apply to our experimental conditions, as the same amount of information was available in the corresponding two kinds of tasks, with the same single object feature used as a variable. In fact the behaviour of our patient was very reminiscent of that observed in a patient with visual agnosia,°” who could not use visual informa- tion for perceptual purposes, even though this information was accurately used in visuomotor action. The best account for this dissociation is that separate visual processes underly visually directed actions such as the automatic movements of prehen- sion and more demanding and usually conscious act of identification and categorization of objects (see Refs 11 and 12 for different formulations of this dichotomy). In our patient, this is further illustrated by the different reaction times observed in the two types of tasks; they were more than twice as fast in the 796 Vol 7 No 3 29 February 1996 goal-directed hand movements than in the two discrimination tasks. This difference recalls the temporal dissociation shown in normal subjects required to grasp an object which is briskly displaced at movement onset; they are much faster at correcting their movement than at signalling the time at which they become aware of the object displacement by a vocal response.'? It also fits with the view that visuomotor processes taking place in the dorsal visual stream would be concerned with the instanta- neous characteristics of objects, while identification processes in the ventral stream would require more enduring characteristics.'* The idea of two distinct visual pathways each dealing with a specific utilization of visual parameters is strongly supported by neurophysiological findings in the monkey. In particular, it has been shown recently that the dorsal occipito-parietal system is not only involved in the spatial location and reaching of objects, but also in object shape perception and manipulation.'>-!” Interestingly, the neural activity of the main input areas (MT and V3A) of the dorsal pathway is only partially affected by inactivation or removal of area V1 in the monkey:'*”° in particular, a high percentage (60-80%) of MT neurones retain their direction selectivity while about one-third remain orientation specific in V3A. By contrast, neurones of areas TE, TEO and V4 of the ventral stream are silent in the absence of V1 input??? Our results support the view that the dorsal pathway can process intrinsic properties of objects during action and that it remains active following striate cortex lesion in man. Conclusions Residual visual functions in cortically blind fields are not only related to ‘where’ objects are but also relate to ‘how’ to act on these objects. Orientation and size attributes may still be used in object-oriented actions, although these same attributes cannot access more elaborated representations underlying verbal and matching tasks. Received 22 November 1995; accepted 3 January 1996 Residual grasping in blindsight neurofpeport References COI AMR wWNH> . Poeppel £, Held R and Frost D. Nature 243, 295-296 (1973). . Weiskrantz L, Warrington EK, Sanders MD et ai. Brain 97, 709-728 (1974). . Perenin MT and Jeannerod M. Neuropsychologia 4, 107 (1975). Barbur JL, Ruddock KH and Waterfield VA. Brain 103, 905-928 (1980). Pernin MT and Vighetto A. Brain 111, 643-674 (1988). Goodale MA, Milner AD, Jackobson LS et a/. Nature 349, 154-156 (1991). . Milner AD, Perrett DI, Johnston RS et af. Brain 114, 405-428 (1991). . Perenin MT. NeuroReport 2, 397-400 (1991). . Jeannerod M. In: Long J and Baddeley A, eds, Attention and Performance IX. New Jersey: Erlbaum, 1981: 153-168. ). Marcel AJ. Cogn Psychol 15, 238-300 (1983). . 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General Summary Blindsight patients typically show good abilities to orient their gaze or to point at targets in their ‘blind’ field, while being unable to discriminate simple forms when forced to guess. The present study aimed to determine whether some form attributes could nevertheless be used in object-oriented actions. One patient with a complete hemianopia of occipital origin has been tested for his capacities to process orientation and size of visual objects in different conditions. Although responses were at chance level when he was required to provide forced-choice verbal guesses or matching responses, motor responses were systematically influenced by both orientation and size of the stimulus. These data provide further evidence for two dissociable modes of visual information processing dealing respectively with ‘what’ the object is vs ‘how’ to grasp it. They also suggest that V1 lesions in humans have different functional consequences on the two cortical visual pathways. 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