:Acta . . Ncurochlrurglca Acta Neurochir (Wien) (1995) 133:206-210 9 Springer-Verlag 1995 Printed in Austria Frequent TIA in the Territory Fed by the Anastomosed STA After Combined Therapeutic ICA Occlusion and Extracranial-Intracranial Bypass: Case Report S. Takeuchi 1, R. Tanaka 1, T. Koike 1, H. Abe 1, T. Sorimachi ~, Y. Yoneoka 1, and I. Odano 2 ~Department of Neurosurgery, Brain Research Institute and 2Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan Summary Frequent transient ischaemic attacks (TIAs) in the territory fed by the anastomosed superficial temporal artery (STA) after combined therapeutic internal carotid artery (ICA) occlusion and extracraniaMntracranial bypass is described in a 52-year-oldwoman with a giant aneurysm in the supraclinoid portion of the left ICA showing impairment of visual acuity in the left eye and right upper quadrantanopia. After the balloon test occlusion of the left ICA which was tolerated, the left STA-middle cerebral artery anastomosis was performed and occlusion of the left ICA using detachable balloons was carried out a day later. TIAs corresponding to the territory fed by the anastomosed STA occurred nine times two to four days and five times eight to nine days after the ICA occlusion without new infarction on computed tomography (CT) scan. Single-photon emission computed tomography showed no hypoperfusion immediately after the initial TIA. CT scan revealed thrombosis of half of the aneurysm a day after the ICA occlusion. The patient developed the same TIA as previously by compression of the left anastomosed STA at the time of follow-up angiography which was carried out eight days after the occlusion. Although heparin was continuously administered after the ICA occlusion for two days, the initial TIA occurred during heparinization. Anticoagulation seemed to be inadequate judging from activated coagulation time and incomplete thrombosis of the aneurysm occurred during heparinization. It is likely that the TIAs are caused by embolism via the STA, which is a rare ischaemic complication. Keywords: Giant cerebral aneurysm; carotid artery occlusion; extracraniaMntracranial bypass; cerebral embolism. Introduction A l t h o u g h the accepted m e t h o d of t r e a t m e n t for giant carotid a n e u r y s m s is surgical clipping if it is feasible, u n c l i p p a b l e carotid a n e u r y s m s have recently been treated by occlusion of the i n t e r n a l carotid artery (ICA) with or w i t h o u t a n e x t r a c r a n i a l - i n t r a c r a n i a l (EC-IC) bypass p r o c e d u r e 1' 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12. However, therapeutic occlusion of the I C A carries some s u b s e q u e n t risk of cerebral ischaemic complications in spite of E C - I C bypass 3, 6, 7. Pathogenetic m e c h a n i s m s o f cerebral ischaemic events after therapeutic occlusion of the I C A have been explained by h a e m o d y n a m i c or t h r o m b o embolic theory 2'8 10, b u t it is often difficult to determine the true m e c h a n i s m of cerebral ischaemia in each case. F u r t h e r m o r e , there has been n o report of a case whose cerebral b l o o d flow was e x a m i n e d after the I C A occlusion d u r i n g ischaemic complications. The p u r p o s e o f this paper is to report a case showing frequent a n d t r a n s i e n t ischaemic events in the territory fed by the a n a s t o m o s e d superficial t e m p o r a l artery (STA) after c o m b i n e d E C - I C bypass a n d s u b s e q u e n t therapeutic occlusion of the I C A using detachable balloons with cerebral h a e m o d y n a m i c study d u r i n g these ischaemic events. The m e c h a n i s m s a n d p r e v e n t i o n of the ischaemic events are discussed. Case Report A 52-year-old woman first noticed impairment of visual acuity in the left eye affecting the nasal side of the left visual fieldin January, 1993. She presented herself to the Department of Ophthalmology at Niigata University Hospital in April, and was transferred and admitted to the Department of Neurosurgery on May 14, 1993. Examination Visual acuity was 0.9 (corrected : 1.2) in the right eye and 0.2 in the left which was unable to be corrected. There was right upper quadrantanopia which was more severe in the left eye. Computed tomography (CT) scan revealed an oval-shaped mass with homogeneous contrast enhancement in the left suprasellar region (Fig. 1). Cerebral angiography demonstrated a giant aneurysm (31 x 27 • S. Takeuchi etal.: Frequent TIA in the Territory Fed by the Anastomosed STA 207 Fig. 1. Computed tomography scan after contrast infusion showing an oval-shaped and homogeneously well enhancing mass in the left suprasellar cistern. The image is presented as viewed from below Fig. 2. Lateral projections of the left internal carotid angiogram, early arterial phase (left) and late arterial phase (right), showing a giant aneurysm arising from a supraclinoid portion of the internal carotid artery and the delayed filling of the middle and anterior cerebral arteries 23 mm) in the supraclinoid portion of the left ICA and delayed filling of the middle and anterior cerebral arteries (Fig. 2). Cross-filling of the left hemisphere via the anterior communicating artery was good in spite of a narrow horizontal segment of the left anterior cerebral artery, but that via the posterior communicating artery was poor. The test occlusion of the left ICA by balloon on May 19 was clinically tolerated for one hour and ten minutes. The electroencephalogram was unchanged during the occlusion. Single-photon emission computed tomography using 99mTc-hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime (99mTc-HMPAO SPECT) images during the test occlusion showed no asymmetric perfusion in either hemispheres in spite of a little reduction in perfusion in the both frontal regions. A left STA-middle cerebral artery (angular artery) anastomosis was uneventfully performed on May 25. Controlled therapeutic ICA occlusion was carried out on the morning of the May 26. The actual balloon-catheter procedure was performed with the patient awake, under local anaesthesia using femoral artery catheterization under full anticoagulation with heparin. A goldvalve balloon GVB 9 (Laboratoire Nycomed Ingenor S.A., France) attached to a co-axial catheter was placed through the introducer catheter and the first one was located in the cavernous portion of the left ICA. The balloon was inflated with contrast material to effect arterial occlusion and was detached. Two further similar balloons inflated with contrast material were detached at a more proximal site. A fourth one was inflated with 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA) 14 and detached in the cervical portion of the ICA. The patient showed no new neurological deficits during the procedure, Since the left STA contributed to the parietal branches of the middle cerebral artery via the patent bypass after occlusion of the ICA (Fig. 3), the left hemisphere was fed by both the right ICA and the anastomosed STA. Fig. 3. Left external carotid angiograms, anteroposterior (left) and lateral (right) views, demonstrating good filling of the middle cerebral arteries in the parietal region through the anastomosed superficial temporal artery Fig. 4. Computed tomography scan before (left) and after (right) contrast infusion indicating thrombosis in the posterior half of the aneurysm Operation and Balloon Occlusion 208 S. Takeuchi etal.: Frequent TIA in the Territory Fed by the Anastomosed STA Fig. 5. Single-photon emission computed tomography using 99 m Tc-hexamethylpropyleneamineoxime 2 days after occlusion of the left internal carotid aneurysm showing no hypoperfusion in the left hemisphere and a little hyperperfusion in the left parietal region. The images are presented as viewed from below as computed tomography scans The aneurysm was not filled after the ICA occlusion. The patient was subsequently anticoagulated by continuous intravenous infusion of heparin (750-500 IU/hour). The activated coagulation time5 before and during the heparinization was 130 seconds and 140 to 170 seconds, respectively. Post-ICA Occlusion Course Postcontrast CT scan on May 27 revealed thrombosis of one half of the aneurysm (Fig. 4). The patient developed numbness of the fifth finger of the right hand without weakness for a few minutes at 10 a.m. on May 28 (2 days after the ICA occlusion). 99rnTCHMPAO SPECT images immediately after the initial transient ischaemic attack (TIA) showed slight hyperperfusion in the left parietal region and no hypoperfused area in the left hemisphere (Fig. 5). However, the patient subsequently developed numbness of the Ist and 2nd fingers of the right hand for a few minutes at 12 p.m., numbness of the same fingers as previously and slight dysarthria for ten minutes at 2:50 p.m., and slight dysphasia and numbness of the 2nd to 5th fingers of the right hand for a few minutes at 7:25 p.m. on the same day. Administration of heparin was stopped at 3 p.m., because incomplete thrombosis in the aneurysm and the proximal segment of the occluded ICA was suspected to be one of causative factors of these TIAs. Concentrated red blood cells separated from 400 ml of whole blood were transfused to improve anaemia on May 28. There was numbness of the 1st to 4th fingers of the right hand for a few minutes at 9:25 a.m., numbness of all fingers of the right hand and slight dysphasia for a few minutes at 6:05 p.m., slight dysphasia for a few minutes at 8 p.m. on May 29, and numbness of the 2nd to 5th fingers of the right hand for a few minutes at 12:10 p.m. on May 30. The patient developed dysphasia, finger agnosia, right and left disorientation, acaleulia, apraxia from 2:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. on May 30. Emergency CT scan at 6:30 p.m. showed complete thrombosis of the aneurysm and no lesion of the brain parenchyma. There was no evidence of propagation of thrombus into the distal ICA. The patient was free of TIAs from May 31 to June 2 while the systemic blood pressure was relatively high compared with from 28th to 30th, and assumed a sitting posture on June 2. Since the patient developed numbness of all fingers of the right hand for a few minutes at 1:30 a.m. and 5:30 a.m., and slight dysphasia for a few minutes at 7 a.m. on June 3, however, cerebral angiography was carried out from 3 p.m. to 4:20 p.m. on the same day. The parietal region of the left hemisphere was fed by the STA via the patent anastomosis, and the stump of the left ICA showed smooth tapering occlusion. The left hemisphere was fed by both the left STA and the right 1CA. No aneurysm was filled in any angiograms. The filling condition of the vessels shown in the 4-vessel study was the same as that after the left ICA occlusion on May 26. When the left anastomosed STA was compressed by finger to make sure of the cause of the TIAs, the patient developed slight dysarthria and dysphasia 30 seconds after the compression and then numbness of the 1st to 3rd fingers of the right hand one minute later. These signs gradually disappeared after release of the compression. Concentrated red blood cells separated from 400 mI of whole blood were transfused to improve anaemia, and 30 mg of aspirin therapy daily was started on June 3. However, the patient developed numbness of all fingers of the right hand and slight dysphasia for a few minutes at 12:45 p.m., and numbness of the 1st to 3rd fingers of the fight hand, dysphasia, right and left disorientation, alexia from 5 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on June 4. Then the patient was free of TIA and was transferred to another hospital to be treated for mild liver dysfunction on June 16. Although TIAs occurred during normotension, the systemic blood pressure was relatively high during period free of TIAs. The visual field defect and visual acuity in both eyes were aggravated postoperatively, but improved soon. Visual acuity was 1.0 (corrected: 1.5) in the right eye and 0.3 (corrected:0.4) in the left 3 months later, and was 0.9 (corrected : 1,2) in the both eyes one year later. Right upper quadrantanopia was the same 3 months later as pre-operatively, and disappeared one year later. CT scan 5 months later revealed a completely thrombosed aneurysm which was reduced in volume. No abnormal lesion in the brain was detected. The patient developed numbness of the 3rd and 4th fingers of the right hand for an hour on January 3, 1994, in spite of the administration of 30rag of aspirin and 100 mg of ticlopidine daily, S. Takeuchi etal.: Frequent TIA in the Territory Fed by the Anastomosed STA but had no more TIAs subsequently.99mTc-HMPAOSPECTimages on January 11 showed no significant reduction in left hemispheric perfusion in spite of slight symmetricalreduction in perfusion in the both frontal regions. The patient showed no further symptoms or signs when compression of the left STA for a few minutes was undertaken. Discussion Mechanisms of Ischaemic Complications The possible mechanisms involved in the ischaemic cerebral complications after therapeutic carotid occlusion include inadequate flow in the hemisphere corresponding to the side of the carotid occlusion, the development of throml~o-embolism or the both. Heros reported twelve cases of probable embolic complications occurring during or after therapeutic occlusion of the ICA by EC-IC bypass 7. In all twelve but two cases, the complication occurred either during gradual occlusion or within 48 hours of complete occlusion, and it was felt that the complication occurred as a result of propagation of the clot in the ICA or dislodgement of an embolus from the distal tail of this clot or, less likely, from the aneurysm itself. In none of the patients, however, did the embolus travel through the bypass graft itself. In our case, all the TIAs seemed to correspond to ischaemia in the territory fed by the anastomosed STA, and 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT study immediately after the initial TIA showed no hypoperfusion in the hemisphere ipsilateral to the occluded ICA. Moreover the patient developed the same TIA as previously when compression of the anastomosed STA was undertaken. It seems that emboli originated from the stump of the proximal ICA migrated to the vessels in the left parietal and the surrounding regions via the anastomosed STA and caused transient ischaemia. Embolism via the anastomosed STA appears to be rare. If a series of the TIAs was secondary to emboli from the partially thrombosed aneurysm or emboli arising from the residual stump of the intracranial carotid artery, the symptoms of the TIAs should be more variable and correspond to the area other than the territory fed by the anastomosed STA. Therefore this assumption seems to be incompatible with the fact that the TIAs occurred in the territory fed by the anastomosed STA. Although anaemia and dynamic changes of the systemic blood pressure were present, an idea of transient hypoperfusion only in the territory of the anastomosed STA looked improbable. Furthermore TIA 7 months later should be an embolic episode via the STA judging from the symptoms and signs and the SPECT images at that time. Nishioka described 209 that 89% and 95% of all ischaemic complications occurred within four and seven days after the carotid occlusion, respectively 1~ Moreover Landolt reported that most of the transient complications occurred within the first six hours after occlusion of the vessel 8. Frequent and transient ischaemic events in our case, which occurred nine times during 2-4 days, five times during 8-9 days after the ICA occlusion and once 7 months later, might be rare. Necessity of Bypass In our case, the balloon test occlusion of the left ICA was clinically tolerated and the electroencephalogram was unchanged. Furthermore 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT images during the occlusion showed no asymmetric perfusion in the both hemispheres. Although the permanent ICA occlusion without EC-IC bypass might be safe, the STA-middle cerebral artery anastomosis was performed before the occlusion because of lack of hypotensive haemodynamic stress during the balloon test occlusion, a possibility of late haemodynamic ischaemic complications, significant long-term haemodynamic reserve in the brain, and the danger of contralateral aneurysm formation. Types of Occlusion of the ICA There were two ways to occlude the carotid artery: abrupt and gradual occlusion. According to Nishioka ~~ the incidence of ischaemic neurological deficits after carotid occlusion was found to be higher when the occlusion was carried out abruptly than when the artery was gradually occluded with a clamp, but careful consideration of the variables of the interval from last subarachnoid haemorrhage tended to negate the differences. On the other hand, Landolt described that the quick type of occlusion of the artery resulted in a lesser complication rate than the slow type 8. When the patient tolerates the balloon test occlusion, abrupt occlusion may be safer than gradual occlusion because the gradual occlusion bears the risk of development of thrombus formation at the clamping site before completion of the occlusion. Prevention of" Haemodynamic Ischaemic Complications In an attempt to minimize the haemodynamic complications, various tests of cerebral perfusion have been used. These include: Matas test, angiography before and after carotid compression, measurement of the stump pressure during the ICA occlusion 12' 13, cerebral 210 S. Takeuchi etal.: Frequent TIA in the Territory Fed by the Anastomosed STA blood flow measurements by a xenon-133 technique before and after temporary ICA occlusion under general anaesthesia6, and the ICA balloon test occlusion under local anaesthesia with SPECT study ll, with cerebral blood flow study by xenon CT ~3 or without cerebral haemodynamic study ~' 4. Although the cerebral haemodynamic study during the test occlusion of the ICA is useful, the study after permanent occlusion is also important for managing of the postocclusion course and prediction of haemodynamic complications. Prevention of Thrombo-Embolic Ischaemic Complications Patients who tolerate acute ICA occlusion may still be vulnerable to propagating thrombosis or thromboembolism in the hours, days or even longer after the occlusion. To prevent these complications, full anticoagulation with heparin followed by antiplatelet therapy I or administration of antiplatelet agents with lowdose heparin therapy4 have been proposed after occlusion of the ICA, especially balloon occlusion. Although heparin was continuously administered after the ICA occlusion in our case, anticoagulation seemed to be imperfect judging from activated coagulation time during heparinization5 and incomplete thrombosis of the aneurysm on CT scan. Thus an initial TIA is thought to have occurred during inadequate anticoagulation. Although full anticoagulation may be the best way to prevent the thrombo-embolic complications after ICA occlusion, there is a risk of postoperative intracranial haemorrhage if it is done soon after the bypass surgery. It is still unclear how long full anticoagulation is necessary. Furthermore anticoagulation delays thrombosis of the aneurysm, which was seen in our case, and the incomplete thrombosis of the aneurysm is possibly the cause of embolic complications. No anticoagulation may be an option of management after the ICA occlusion. To reduce the cerebral ischaemic complication rate after therapeutic occlusion of the ICA, some devices are necessary. The ICA test occlusion with study of cerebral haemodynamics is useful for predicting subsequent cerebral hypoperfusion. Furthermore the cerebral haemodynamic study after permanent occlusion of the ICA is also important for predicting haemodynamic ischaemic complications. It seems that further study concerning thrombus formation in the aneurysm and the occluded site is needful to determine whether or not anticoagulation and/or antiplatelet therapies are useful and how long they are necessary. References 1. 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Surg Neurol 13:140-142 Correspondence: Shigekazu Takeuchi, M.D., Department of Neurosurgery, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University, Asahimachi 1-757, Niigata 951, Japan.