483 sions [2] or more severe spinal cord lesions, which also interrupted connections between the brain stem and the spinal cord neurons. In our patient there must have been some influence of supraspinal centres upon spinal cord neurons, because the patient could still walk. The use of a three-way stopcock during emptying and refilling is mandatory in the type of pump described. For safety reasons this pump type should be filled by the surgeon himself or under his supervision during surgery or by the attending physician after surgery. Further, we would advise an observation period of at least 1 h after a baclofen bolus or filling of a pump to reduce the risk of missing an acute overdose. References 1. Delhaas EM, Brouwers JRBJ (1991) Intrathecal baclofen overdose: report of 7 events in 5 patients and review of the literature. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol 29:274-280 2. Kofler M, Saltuari L, Schmutzhard E, Berek K, Baumgartner H, Russegger L, Aichner F (1992) Electrophysiological findings in a case of severe intrathecal baclofen overdose. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 83:83-86 3. Mtiller-Schwefe G, Penn RD (1989) Physostigmine in the treatment of intrathecal baclofen overdose. J Neurosurg 71:273-275 4. Ashworth B (1964) Preliminary trial of carisoprodol in multiple sclerosis. Practitioner 192:540-542 5. Sallerin-Caute B, Lazorthes Y, Monsarrat B, Cros J, Bastide R (1991) CSF baclofen levels after intrathecal administration in severe spasticity, Eur J Clin Pharmacol 40:363-365 J. Dressnandt (g:~) - T. R. T611e A. Konstanzer • B. Conrad Department of Neurology, Technical University, M6hlstrasse 28, D-81675 Munich, Germany Tel.: +49-89-41404660 Fax: +49-89-41404867 F. X. WeinzierI Department of Neurosurgery, Technical University, Munich, Germany D. G. Nabavi P. Zunker T. Mumme D. Georgiadis Cheiro-oral syndrome due to severe stenosis of the middle cerebral artery Received: 6 December 1995 Accepted: 26 January 1996 Sirs: The cheiro-oral syndrome (COS), a pure sensory disorder restricted to the corner of the mouth and the hand on the same side, has been attributed exclusively to lesions of the central somatosensory pathways [4, 9, 10, 15] visualized on imaging studies [7] or at autopsy [14]. We describe a patient with relapsing-remitting COS due to highgrade stenosis of the contralateral middle cerebral artery (MCA) and without any other abnormality of the arterial system. A 57-year-old woman was admitted to hospital with an 1-year history of repeated paraesthesias at the right corner of the mouth and the ulnar site of the ipsilateral hand. During the 2 months before admission, the frequency of attacks increased from once monthly to once weekly. She had moderate arterial hypertension, which was well controlled with an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor. There was no history of smoking, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes mellitus or any other cardiovascular disease. Neurological examination disclosed only a mild hypaesthetic area at the right corner of the mouth and in the right hand, while general examination was normal. After exclusion of intracranial bleeding by computed tomography of the brain, intravenous heparin was administered with a target partial thromboplastin time of 60-80 s. Four hours after initiation of anticoagulation, the sensory symptoms disappeared. Examination of the basal intracranial arteries by means of transcranial Doppler sonography (TCD) revealed an extreme increase in blood flow velocity in the left MCA (mean flow about 245 cm/s) together with lowfrequency components due to vessel wall covibrations. The diagnosis of a severe left-sided MCA stenosis was made and later confirmed by magnetic resonance angiography and intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography (Fig. 1). High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging of the brain 6 days after admission, including contrast-enhanced scans, did not disclose any pathological findings. Electrocardiogram, transthoracic echocardiography and coagulation tests were normal. Oral anticoagulation with phenprocoumon (Marcumar) was initiated 8 days after admission, and heparin was discontinued when the international normalized ratio reached target values (2.5-4.0). Recent studies have suggested that TCD monitoring for microembolic signals (MES) provides information on the anticoagulation efficacy [5, 13] and is potentially of prognostic significance in patients with extracranial occlusive disease [12]. In our case, TCD monitoring for MES was performed on admis- Fig. ! Magnetic resonance angiography of the basal brain-supplying arteries showed > 70% narrowing (---~)of the proximal left middle cerebral artery (MCA). Note that all basal arteries appear symmetrical, thus excluding an artificial loss of MCA flow signal due to erroneous plane section 484 sion, 1, 2 and 4 days after initiation o f intravenous heparin and 3 months after discharge from hospital, when the patient was stabilized on oral anticoagulants. A pulsed ultrasound machine with a 2 M H z bigate probe was used, able to harvest simultaneously echos from spatially separated vessel portions (Pioneer 4040, EME, Oberlingen, Germany). A proximal (depth: 58 mm) and distal segment (depth: 44 m m ) o f the left M C A were simultaneously monitored for 45 min. Sample volume was kept low (between 6 and 8 mm) throughout the examinations. All monitoring sessions were recorded on DAT tapes and evaluated by three independent observers blinded to the patient's clinical course. MES were detected according to criteria described elsewere [3]. In the initial examination (observer 1 : 4 MES; observer 2 and 3 : 3 MES) M E S were detected only in the poststenotic M C A segment, but neither in the prestenotic channel nor not in the following examinations (all three observers in agreement) while the patient was free o f s y m p t o m s on anticoagulants. The large somatotopic thalamic and cortical representation of the sensory fibres from the mouth and hand together with the close proximity in the brain stem and the thalamic nuclei [11] favour the simultaneous occurrence o f sensory disturbances at these sites. A higher hypoxic vulnerability o f these sensory fibres has been assumed to explain this particular distribution o f symptoms [6], which is also seen in the hyperventilation syndrome [2], caused by hypocapnia-induced vasoconstriction leading to ischaemia [8]. In our case, both the detection of MES distal to the M C A stenosis while the patient was symptomatic and their cessation parallel to the regression of symptoms argue for an embolic rather than a h a e m o d y n a m i c induction of cerebral ischaemia, in accordance with current concepts [1]. The cessation of MES after initiation of intravenous heparin, which has already been reported by Siebler et al. [13], further underpins this hypothesis. Use of the bigate probe in our patient identified the M C A stenosis as the active embolic source, since emboli of a more proximal origin (e.g. heart or internal carotid artery) would have been detected in both channels. In conclusion, we have described a patient with repetitive COS due to severe M C A stenosis. T C D monitoring in this case provided information o f potential clinical relevance. References 1. Adams HP, Gross CE (1981) Embolism distal to the stenosis of the middle cerebral artery. Stroke 12:228-229 2. Blau JN, Wiles CM (1983) Unilateral somatic symptoms due to hyperventilation. BJM 286:1108 3. Consensus Committee of the ninth international cerebral hemodynamic symposium (1995) Basic identification criteria of microembolic signals. Stroke 26:1123 4 Garcin R, Lapresle J (1960) Deuxi~me observation personelle de syndrome sensitif de type thalamique et ~t topographie chairo-orale par 16sion localis6e du thalamus. Rev Neurol (Paris) 103:474--481 5. Georgiadis D, Hill M, Zunker P, St6gbauer F, Ringelstein EB (1994) Anticoagulation monitoring with transcranial Doppler (letter). Lancet 344: 13731374 6. Holter JT, Tijsen C (1988) Cheiro-oral syndrome: does it have a specific localizing value. Eur Neurol 28:326-330 7. Kawakami Y, Chikama M, Tanimoto T, Shimamura Y (1989) Radiological studies of the cheiro-oral syndrome. J Neurol 236:177-181 8. Kugelberg E (1948) Activation of human nerves by hyperventilation and hypocalcemia: neurological mechanism of symptoms of irritation in tetany. Arch Neurol Psychiatry 60:153-164 9. Omae T, Tsuchiya T, Yamaguchi T (1992) Cheiro-oral syndrome due to lesions in the corona radiata. Stroke 23:599-601 10. Ono S, Inoue K (1985) Cheiro-oral syndrome following midbrain haemorrhage. J Neurol 232:304-306 11. Penfield W, Boldrey E (1937) Somatic motor and sensory representation in the cerebral cortex of man as studied by electrical stimulation. Brain 60: 389443 12. Siebler M, Sitzer M, Rose G, Benfeldt D, Steinmetz H (1993) Silent cerebral embolism caused by neurologically symptomatic high-grade carotid stenosis. Event rates before and after carotid endarterectomy. Brain 116:1005 1015 13. Siebler M, Nachtmann A, Sitzer M, Steinmetz H (1994) Anticoagulation monitoring and cerebral microemboli detection (letter). Lancet 344:555 14. Sittig O (1914) Klinische Beitr~ige zur Lehre vonder Lokalisation der sensiblen Rindenzentren. Prag Med Wochenschr 45:548-550 15. Yasuda Y, Akiguchi I, Ishikawa M, Kameyama M (1988) Bilateral cheirooral syndrome following pontine haemorrhage. J Neurol 235:489-490 D. G. Nabavi (N~) - p. Zunker T. Mumme - D. Georgiadis Department of Neurology, University of MOnster, Albert-Schweitzer-Strasse 33, D-48129 MOnster, Germany Tel.: 49 251 838172 Fax: 49 251 838181 Marc Sanson Charles Duyckaerts Jean-Luc Thibault Jean-Yves Delattre Sarcoidosis presenting as late-onset dementia Received: 12 September 1995 Received in revised form: 8 December 1995 Accepted: 17 December 1995 Sirs: There is neurological involvement in about 5% of patients with sarcoidosis, and neurological symptoms are the presenting manifestation of the disease in half the cases [8, 9]. Lesions m a y be found in the leptomeninges, particularly in the skull base, peripheral (including cranial) nerves, muscles and in the central nervous system, particularly the hypothalamus. In exceptional cases, sarcoidosis m a y cause a progressive dementia [4], mimicking more comm o n degenerative or vascular processes. We report here a case in which neurosarcoidosis was responsible for slowly progressive dementia with widespread involvement of the central nervous system.