H O R T R E P O R T Cortical Blindness and Cerebral Infarction Associated With Severe Hypoglycemia dence of seizure activity for which she received phenytoin. An electroencephalogram (EEG) performed at this time showed almost continuous sharp wave discharges originating from the right parietal region; episodes of facial OBJECTIVE — To describe a case of cortical blindness and cerebral infarction associated with twitching were accompanied by an insevere hypoglycemia. crease in this sharp wave activity. In summary, the EEG revealed evidence of CONCLUSIONS — The possible pathogenesis of the neurological defects is discussed. severe cerebral insult. Over the next week, the patient showed some evidence of improvement ypoglycemia is a common compli- with most HbAlc concentrations in the and no longer required ventilation. There cation of insulin-treated diabetes. range 8.0-10.2% (normal range <6.0%). was evidence of spontaneous eye opening Recurrent severe hypoglycemia is She had no further episodes of severe hy- and some vocal noises. After 3 weeks, all associated with cognitive dysfunction poglycemia, and awareness of hypoglyce- seizure activity appeared to have resolved. (1,2) or even death (3). Other neurologi- mia appeared satisfactory. Over the next 4 weeks, there was a further cal manifestations of hypoglycemia inIn May 1995, the patient was ad- slow improvement in neurological funcclude hemiplegia, decerebration, ataxia, mitted with mild ketoacidosis, secondary tion. The patient moved all limbs spontachoreoathetosis, the "locked-in" syn- to a urinary tract infection. The most reneously and made spontaneous sounds. drome, and severe amnesia (4,5). Of re- cent HbAlc was 10.2%. On admission, Swallowing returned to normal. The paports on neurological manifestations of she was taking 100 Ul/day (1.3 U/kg). tient would turn to verbal stimuli but did nonfatal hypoglycemia, 50% are of tran- Following standard treatment, the patient not respond to visual stimuli. Fundussient abnormalities (4). made a rapid recovery. Marked reduc- copy and pupillary reflexes were normal. A severe hypoglycemic coma case tions in insulin doses were required so Visual evoked potentials revealed normal in a 22-year-old woman, resulting in per- that at the time of discharge, the patient electroretinograms, suggesting normal manent neurological abnormalities in- was taking a total daily dose of 74 U, and retinal function; however, the cortical recluding cortical blindness, is described. further reductions were made over the sponses recorded from either eye after a following few days. visual stimulus were grossly abnormal, Five days later, the patient was suggesting severe lesions within both corCASE— This 22-year-old woman developed diabetes at the age of 12. Glyce- found comatose in the morning by her tical areas of the visual system. A repeat mic control had never been particularly parents and was admitted to hospital. On EEG was reported as showing diffuse slow tight, but despite this, the patient had had the day before admission, she experi- wave activity but no seizure activity. a tendency to hypoglycemia, especially enced difficulty in avoiding hypoglyceTwo months after admission, the related to sports. Between 1989 and mia, despite taking extra carbohydrate patient was able to walk if guided and eat 1991, the patient experienced three epi- and further reducing the insulin doses. with assistance but was unable to talk cosodes of severe hypoglycemia requiring There had been no strange behavior, and herently or understand basic verbal comglucagon. In June 1991, she was found by there appeared to be no suicidal motivamands. Four months after admission, the tion. On admission to the hospital, the her parents unconscious in bed and profoundly hypoglycemic, and on this ad- patient exhibited decerebrate move- CT scan was repeated (Fig. IB). There mission she required ventilation. Com- ments. Blood glucose was < 1 mmol/1. were marked changes compared with the puted tomography (CT) scan showed no Emergency CT scan (Fig. 1A) showed no scan performed on admission, with eviabnormality. The patient made an appar- abnormality, and a lumbar puncture was dence of gross global cerebral atrophy ent full recovery of neurological function normal. Cortisol response to tetracosactin with areas of attenuation in the posterior and was discharged home. was satisfactory. Over the next 4 days, the parietal regions consistent with possible Over the next 4 years, the patient's patient experienced apneic episodes re- infarction. EEG activity had not changed. The patient remained entirely deglycemic control remained suboptimal, quiring ventilation, and there was evipendent and required constant supervision. The parents wished to manage their daughter at home. However, the availabilI;rom the Department of Diabetes, Newcastle General Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. ity of financial support for providing apAddress correspondence and reprint requests to A.E. Gold, MD, Ward 3 Office, Newcastle General propriate assistance was not forthcoming. Hospital, Westgate Rd., Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 6BE, U.K. The patient's mother has given up her Received for publication 22 January 1996 and accepted in revised form 2 May 1996. work to care for her daughter. CT, computed tomography; EEG, electroencephalogram; MR1, magnetic resonance imaging. ANN E. GOLD, MD SALLY M. MARSHALL, MD H DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 19, NUMBER 9, SEPTEMBER 1996 1001 Cortical blindness and hypoglycemia B Figure 1—A: CT scan without contrast 12 h after admission with severe hypoglycemia B: CT scan taken 4 months after admission with severe hypoglycemia. 1002 C O N C L U S I O N S — This case history illustrates the devastating effect that a single episode of severe hypoglycemia may have on a patient and his or her family. The cerebral damage sustained included gross cerebral atrophy and probable cerebral infarction, which were manifest as severe cognitive changes and as cortical blindness, which was confirmed clinically and on evoked potential recordings. Cortical blindness is defined as the loss of vision in the presence of normal pupillary reflexes and in the absence of ophthalmological disease. Transient cortical blindness has previously been documented as a result of hypoglycemia in a child with a glycogen storage disease (6), but to our knowledge, permanent cortical blindness as a result of hypoglycemia has not been described in a patient with insulin-treated diabetes. Postictal cortical blindness has been described both in adults and in children (7-10). In almost all of these cases, the defect was transient. It has been suggested that, particularly in children, there is an increased susceptibility of the occipital cortex to paroxysmal EEG abnormalities, which appear to migrate towards the temporal regions as children grow older (9). Other cerebral insults have also been associated with cortical blindness: hypoxia, cardiac arrest, trauma, intracranial hemorrhage, X-ray contrast media, and hyponatremia (11-15). The occipital cortex receives its blood supply from both middle and posterior cerebral arteries. If one vessel is occluded, this dual blood supply protects the area from ischemic damage, but if there is general hypoxia, for example during prolonged hypotension, this protection does not occur (15). A recent pilot study examined the effects of the postanoxic syndrome on cerebral glucose metabolism in patients who had suffered a cardiac arrest (16). Using positron emission tomography, regional decreases in cerebral glucose metabolism were demonstrated, particularly in the parietal and occipital cortices, and were associated with cortical blindness. The authors suggest that cerebral hypoxia induces hypometabolism, which preferentially affects regions in arterial border zones (16). Acute hypoglycemia induces changes in homeostasis and coagulation defects (17). 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