546 Cerebral Diaschisis Following Cerebellar Hemorrhage Harris S. Hausen, MD, Elisabeth A. Lachmann, MD, Willibald Nagler, MD ABSTRACT. Hausen HS, Lachmann EA, Nagler W. Cerebral diaschisis following cerebellar hemorrhage. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1997;78:546-9. In 1914, Von Monakow described diaschisis, the recovery of lost cortical function in regions positionally distant from, but linked by neuronal tracts to, the primary site of cortical damage. Cerebellar diaschisis after cortical insult is detailed in the literature; however, cortical diaschisis after cerebellar insult remains a rarely reported occurrence. We describe a 36-year-old woman with rupture of a right-sided cerebellar arteriovenous malformation who developed such expected cerebellar signs as ataxia, dysmetria, and nystagmus. Days later, the patient developed profound impulsivity, disinhibition, and psychomotor agitation. Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) showed decreased perfusion of the bilateral frontal and temporal lobes, consistent with regional loss of neural activity. Eventual clinical improvement corresponded with reperfusion of those regions, identified on follow-up SPECT. This case documents cortical diaschisis following cerebellar insult and shows that diaschisis must be considered in patients with cerebral injury manifesting cortical deficits remote from the site of primary pathology. © 1997 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation S EARLY AS 1914, Von Monakow I described diaschisis from the Greek meaning "throughout," and "-schisis," from the Greek meaning "split,"), 2'3 a controversial theory characterized by "the abolition of [neuronal] excitability" and " a functional standstill" of neuronal activity within the brain. Diaschisis was seen as the cerebral counterpart to spinal shock in which, akin to the temporary decrements or abolition of spinal reflexes distal to the level of spinal cord transection, cerebral injury in one locale caused decrement of function in a distant region of the brain via interruption of linking neuronal tracts. 4 Three subtypes of diaschisis are detailed: (1) diaschisis cortico-spinalis, in which trauma of the motor cortex produces a loss of function within the spinal cord, progressing along fibers of the pyramidal tracts; (2) diaschisis commisuralis, in which trauma of the cerebral cortex of one hemisphere results in loss of function in a contralateral region of the brain, progressing along the linking axons of the corpus callosum; and (3) diaschisis associativa, in which trauma of one cortical area results in loss of function in nearby, or neighboring, intact cortical areas, progressing along intracortical fibers. Much of Von Monakow's theory expanded on earlier works A ("dia-," From the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, The New York HospitalCornell Medical Center, New York, NY. Submitted for publication April 29, 1996. Accepted in revised form September 17, 1996. No commercial party having a direct or indirect interest in the subject matter of this article has or will confer a benefit upon the authors or upon any organization with which the authors are associated. Reprint requests to Harris S. Hausen, MD, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, 525 East 68th Street, F18, New York, NY 10021. © 1997 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 0003-9993/97/7805-4001$3.00/0 Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 78, May 1997 of Brown-Sequard, 5 who proposed that injury in one cortical locus may cause a loss of excitatory, or negatively excitatory (ie, inhibitory) input to other, possibly distant, loci. It is the abolition of this excitatory input from the injured cortical region through the presumed connecting neuronal tracts to areas positionally adjacent or afar that typifies diaschisis. The trauma to the injured region usually appears suddenly, as in the case of a cerebrovascular accident (CVA), but it may rarely present as a "slowly creeping diaschisis"6 resulting from, for example, the mass effect of a slowly growing tumor; the damage progresses in a wavelike manner, propagating along the neuroanatomic pathways from the site of primary trauma. Modem use of computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) allow precise localization of cerebral injury after infarct or hemorrhage. We describe a patient who developed a right-sided cerebellar hemorrhage with subsequent loss of function, and later restoration of function, of the bilateral frontal and temporal lobes. Whereas cerebellar diaschisis following primary cortical insult has been sufficiently discussed in the literature, the paucity of relevant material documenting primary cerebellar damage with resultant cortical symptomatology substantiates the findings of Botez 7 and Rousseaux s that such cerebello-cortical diaschisis is indeed a very rare occurrence. The rehabilitation professional, however, should be aware of the existence of diaschisis and the role, and limitations, of a well-directed program of physiatric intervention. CASE DESCRIPTION A 36-year-old right-handed nurse developed the sudden onset of dizziness and loss of balance while working in the intensive care unit. She excused herself from work, believing that she had a mild viral infection; however, the dizziness progressed over the ensuing few hours such that she was unable to stand, falling to the right side. She also developed nausea, vomiting, mild chills, and a right-sided headache. The patient denied dyspnea, cough, pharyngitis, visual disturbances, or cognitive impairments. Her medical history was notable for a mild, bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, with slightly poorer threshold of the right ear, diagnosed 5 years prior to the present event. She specifically denied a history of similar episodes of dizziness, recent head trauma, fever, diabetes, hypertension, known neoplastic disease, or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) risk factors. She had no known allergies or prescriptions for medications. The patient smoked one pack of cigarettes daily, having a 15 pack-year smoking history, and consumed one or two alcoholic beverages weekly. She denied the use of oral contraceptives or narcotics. On examination, the patient's vital signs were stable and she was found to be alert, oriented to person, place, and time, and cooperative with the examiners. There was no apparent cranial trauma. Although her extraocular muscles were grossly intact and the fundoscopic exam was unremarkable, she did display a lateral-gaze paretic nystagmus of both eyes, the right more severely affected than the left, requiring repetitive saccades to gaze rightward. Her pupils were round and reactive to light. On gross examination her hearing was diminished bilaterally, the right side more greatly affected than the left; however, both CEREBELLAR-CORTICAL DIASCHISIS, Hausen Fig 1. Axial MRI showing right-sided cerebellar hemorrhage. Rinne and Weber hearing tests were within normal limits. Motor strength was found to be 5-/5 throughout all extremities; however, the patient had substantial right-sided dysmetria, particularly evidenced by poor performances of finger-to-nose and rapid-alternating-movements (quick and successive alternation of hand pronation/supination positioning and foot-tapping) of the right upper and lower extremities, respectively. Fine motor skills of the right hand were substantially impaired. Her gait was wide-based with a rightward list. Deep tendon reflexes were normal throughout all extremities and the patient had a normal gag reflex without apparent difficulty swallowing, but she did have mildly dysarthric speech. Sensory examination to light touch and pinprick were normal, as was evaluation of the cranial nerves. Hemogram, serum electrolyte, and glucose values were unremarkable. The remainder of the physical examination was unremarkable. MRI of the brain showed a large hematoma in the right cerebellar hemisphere with moderate mass effect of the soft tissue (fig 1). CT showed no other sites of cerebral infarct or hemorrhage. Angiography of the right vertebral artery and right external carotid artery demonstrated normal vascular anatomy of the major cerebellar branches; however, an identified area of contrast blush lasting through the capillary phase, into the venous phase, was consistent with arterio-venous malformation (AVM) rupture. Audiometric studies revealed mild-moderate sensorineural hearing loss with poorer thresholds of the right ear, essentially without change since diagnostic workup 5 years earlier. Admitted to the neurology service with a diagnosis of ruptured right-sided AVM, the patient was initially managed with supportive care and intravenous steroid therapy, (dexamethasone, 6mg four times daily) for 48 hours to minimize the cerebellar mass effect and edema; she was subsequently transferred 547 to the rehabilitation medicine service for continuation of her care. Over the following few days, she became increasingly lethargic with worsening difficulties in concentration and cognition. She reported no improvement in the dizziness, and the ataxic gait and rightward list remained unimproved. The patient progressed to develop impulsive and unsafe behavior, frequently attempting to climb over the bedrails or ambulate without assistance, despite multiple falls. Her actions necessitated engagement of a full-time attendant to ensure her safety. She displayed progressively diminished inhibitions, presenting in public areas partially disrobed, violently refusing bathing or the changing of soiled clothing, and directing verbal and physical outbreaks at the medical and nursing staff. She nevertheless remained globally oriented and reported being aware of her behavior but unable to control it; she stated a perpetual feeling of anxiety and was noted by the staff to display substantial psychomotor agitation while in bed or sitting in a chair. Accordingly, she was unable to participate in physical therapy and occupational therapy sessions. The patient's vital signs and laboratory values, including hemogram, biochemical profile, thyroid function studies, Lyme titer, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate, were within normal limits. Neurobehavioral evaluation found mild-moderate deficits in concentration, moderate difficulties with abstractional abilities, severely diminished verbal fluency, and severe motor perseveration, bilaterally, on 3-step sequential hand movements; these findings were suggestive of frontal lobe dysfunction. SPECT evaluation showed decreased perfusion of the central area of the right cerebellum, as was expected. SPECT additionally revealed dramatically reduced perfusion of the bilateral frontal and temporal lobes, consistent with the decrement, or loss, of neural activity in these regions (fig 2). The patient was placed on a program of physical therapy and occupational therapy, although progress was initially limited as a result of her profound mental status changes. Over the following 3 months, the patient's impulsive behavior, psychomotor agitation, and cognitive functioning gradually improved, thereby enabling her participation with physical therapy and occupational therapy sessions. Repeat SPECT evaluation, approximately 16 weeks after rupture of the AVM, showed further decreases of perfusion in the area of damage of the right cerebellum, representative of neural demise in that area. However, improvements in perfusion of the bilateral frontal and temporal lobes were noted, left side somewhat greater than right side, indicative of neurologic and functional recovery in those areas. On latest follow-up examination, approximately 13 months after AVM rupture, the patient continues to have occasional dizziness and, thus, does not yet drive. Her progress with rehabilitative therapy, however, has allowed for her safe return to work as a nurse and resumption of most of her other usual daily activities. DISCUSSION Most authors believe that diaschisis is best described as a theory of functional recovery 5'9-1~ that may be accomplished through varied mechanisms. Redundancy, or the assumption of function by uninjured, and previously underutilized, neurons within the damaged area, and vicariation, or the assumption by other cortical areas of function that was formerly ascribed to the now-damaged area, may gradually effect resolution of the injury. The acquisition of alternate behavioral strategies and mechanisms, or behavioral substitution, to compensate for the deficit may also be instrumental in the ensuing recovery of function. Feeney4 emphasizes that reversibility of the damage is requisite in the definition of diaschisis, because it is this aspect that distinguishes diaschisis from the effects of direct Arch Phys Med Rehabi! Vol 78, May 1997 548 CEREBELLAR-CORTICAL DIASCHISIS, Hausen Fig 2. (A) Sagittal and (B) transaxial SPECT images shortly after rupture of right-sided AVM (rows I and 3), and corresponding sections on followup SPECT 16 weeks later (rows 2 and 4). Note improvement in bilateral frontal and temporal lobe perfusion on later exam. primary injury. Thus, recovery of function is paramount in the diagnosis of diaschisis. Regions of thalamic hypoperfusion, associated with hypometabolism, have been studied with SPECT evaluation in patients with recent isehemic or hemorrhagic CVA. 12-~7 Recovery in cortical metabolism, as evidenced by improvement in perfusion on serial SPECT evaluation, corresponds with clinical improvement. In 1980, Baron 18'a9 using positron emission tomography (PET) evaluation, described hypometabolism of the cerebellar hemisphere contralateral to supratentorial infarct. As many as 50% of patients with hemispheric stroke may manifest contralateral cerebellar hypoperfusion, as evidenced on SPECT imaging.ZO22 Contralateral cerebellar hypometabolism after injury of the frontal cortex, specifically, has also been observed. 16'z3'24 The size and locale of the primary cortical lesion are considered Arch Phys Med Rehabi| Vol 78, May 1997 the best predictors of contralateral cerebellar hypometabolism in patients who have suffered a CVA; the density of the resultant hemiplegia is a much less reliable predictor of distant hypometabolism. 4 Likely, an interruption of the cerebro-cerebellar loop causes this phenomenon of "crossed cerebellar diaschisis ''8'18 yielding distant metabolic, hence functional, loss. 19'25 It is much more rare to observe hypoperfusion of the contralateral cerebral hemisphere after a unilateral cerebellar injury. 7'8'26Proposed mechanisms include retrograde degeneration of the fibers of the cortico-pontine tract and the ablation of excitatory fibers originating within the cerebellum and terminating within the frontal lobes. 7'8'27-29 Frontal lobe injury would readily explain our patient's poor performance of concentration skills, abstractional abilities, verbal fluency, and regulation of motor behavior; temporal lobe injury may further explain our patient's dramatic emotional and behavioral changes. 3° The patient clearly had damage of the right cerebellar hemisphere as evidenced by the findings of MRI and angiography as well as by the severe dizziness, nystagmus, and ataxia found on clinical examination. SPECT evaluation, revealing hypoperfusion of the right cerebellar hemisphere as well as of the bilateral frontal and temporal lobes, confirmed the presence of discrete cerebellar injury with distant cortical dysfunction. Repeat SPECT evaluation, 16 weeks later, paralleled the patient's clinical improvemerit, showing improved perfusion, ie, functional recovery, within the bilateral frontal and temporal lobes. Whether this functional recovery had occurred via the mechanisms of redundancy, vicariation, behavioral substitution, or other, presently unidentified means is of somewhat lesser concern than the fact that recovery had occurred. The neurons of the right cerebellar hemisphere were found, on the repeat SPECT evaluation, to have undergone irreversible injury, or death, whereas neurons of the bilateral frontal and temporal lobes were seen to return function to those regions. These findings correspond well with the observed improvements in the patient's mental and behavioral status. As her concentration, attention span, and emotional regulation improved, allo,wing her active participation with the prescribed rehabilitative therapies, the patient was able to learn compensatory techniques for the cerebellar deficits, ultimately enabling her return to work and other usual activities. Included within our differential diagnosis was frontal lobe degeneration, of multiple etiologies; however, the patient's frontal lobe symptomatolgy resolved after a few months without intervention. Further, SPECT evaluations revealing initial hypoperfusion, and subsequent reperfusion, of the bilateral frontal and temporal lobes closely paralleled her clinical status. Because her vital signs and laboratory values were within normal limits, the patient's presentation of behavioral change was not consistent with an abnormal metabolic condition and resultant anoxic/ischemic encephalopathy, hypercapnic encephalopathy, hypoglycemic encephalopathy, hepatic encephalopathy, or uremic encephalopathy. Also, the patient's afebrile state, absence of an elevated leukocyte count, and lack of disturbance in such indicators of homeostasis as heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure bespeaks a nonseptic process. That a depressive episode could account, solely, for the patient's mental status changes ignores the impairments in verbal fluency, abstractional skills, regulation of motor behavior, and profound impulsive behavior exhibited, Given that intravenous steroid therapy was administered for only 48 hours, and that the frontal lobe symptoms did not become manifest until days after discontinuation of the dexamethasone, in the absence of other known psychotropic medications it is unlikely that the mental status changes were induced by steroids or other pharmacotherapeutics. 31 Further, that the frontal lobe symptoms did not manifest until days after CEREBELLAR-CORTICAL DIASCH|SIS, Hausen the A V M rupture is consistent with the model of a propagated w a v e of damage. Thus, recovery of diminished function in an otherwise intact region of the brain, remote from that of the primary injury but secondarily affected via disruption of cross-linking neuronal tracts, is the hallmark of diaschisis. Typically, diaschisis occurs in a cortical-cerebellar direction. Rarely, as in the case we present, does diaschisis manifest in a cerebellar-cortical fashion. Although it is a rare entity, cerebellar-cortical diaschisis must be considered when evaluating patients who manifest symptoms of cortical hemispheric injury apparently remote from the site of primary cerebellar insult. Academically, this case provides further evidence of the presumed, well-developed functional interconnections between the cerebellum and the cerebrum in humans. 32 The tenets of diaschisis also may explain the behavioral changes often seen in patients who have survived a CVA. These behavioral and mental status changes may greatly affect the patient's ability to partake in, and benefit from, rehabilitation therapy. Recommendations for therapy may need to be postponed until the patient's cognitive level allows for the learning of safe and efficient strategies of compensation and restoration of function. 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