OCULOPALATAL MYOCLONUS: EYE MOVEMENT STUDIES, MRI FINDINGS AND THE DIFFICULTY OF TREATMENT S. J. TALKS and J. S. ELSTON Oxford SUMMARY incoordination. He was unable to stand due to ataxia Two cases of oculopalatal myoclouus with bilateral horizoutal gaze palsies are presented. The abnormal vertical eye movements developed several months after brain stem haemorrhage. Eye movement measure­ ments showed rhythmical vertical eye movements at similar rates (2.3 Hz and 2.4 Hz), unaffected by attempts to fixate, converge or gaze in any direction. T2-weighted MRI scans showed bilateral enlargement and had increased tone and clonus in his legs. Reflexes were brisk in both upper and lower limbs with upgoing plantar reflexes. He had bilateral horizontal gaze palsies with no movement on vestibulo-ocular stimulation. He nerve palsy. A strated on autopsy. Both patients had severe oscillopsia and an attempt was made to improve this by bilateral disinsertion of the vertical rectus muscles. The pendular CT scan showed a brain stem one case enough to relieve the oscillopsia. However, 6 months retrobulbar botulinum toxin was required to continue to provide relief from the oscillopsia. Other treatment options, including pharma­ cological agents, are discussed. Two months later he developed vertical nystagmus consists of continuous rhythmical movements of the soft palate, sometimes in association with synchro­ nous movements of the face, upper arm or dia­ phragm. Occasionally there are also pendular vertical eye movements and the condition is then called myoclonus?3 It causes debilitating oscillopsia. Two cases are presented in which we have assessed the eye movements, performed MRI and attempted to provide relief of the symptoms. The treatment options are reviewed. Case 1 CASE REPORTS A 54-year-old man, a former heavy smoker, pre­ sented with a 3 hour history of slurred speech and Correspondence to: Mr S. 1. Talks, Ophthalmology Depart­ ment, The Radcliffe Infirmary, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX26HE, UK. Eye (1997) 11, 19-24 tude vertical eye movements in both eyes, with oscillopsia. Vision deteriorated to 6/36. Two months later he developed palatal movements synchronous with the ocular movements. The gaze palsies did not improve and he remained confined to a wheelchair due to ataxia. One year after his initial presentation he under­ Palatal myoclonus was first described in 1886.1 It oculopalatal to with diplopia which was controlled by a 3 dioptre base-down prism in the left eye. He could see 6/12. At 7 months he developed continuous large-ampli­ eye movements continued but were greatly reduced, in after unable haemorrhage and an old temporal lobe infarct. of the inferior olivary nuclei in both cases, which confirms the expected pathology previously demon­ was converge and had a right lower motor neurone VII © 1997 Royal College of Ophthalmologists went bilateral inferior and superior rectus disinser­ tions. Tenon's capsule was oversewn to prevent reattachment to the globe. This greatly reduced the amplitude of vertical movement but did not eliminate it. His oscillopsia was controlled but he became aware of horizontal diplopia for near due to his inability to converge. This was helped by patching one eye. After 6 months, however, he was again troubled by some oscillopsia. This was relieved by the use of retrobulbar botulinum toxin injection (10 units Dysport), which has been repeated after 6 months. He has now been followed up for a year and we would expect to give repeat injections at 4-6 monthly intervals. Case 2 A 74-year-old hypertensive woman was found unconscious. She responded only to painful stimuli. Two days later she regained consciousness but had a right hemiplegia and absent gag reflex. She was fed 20 S. 1. TALKS AND 1. S. ELSTON Left eye o,:r� Right eye Position o;�c/�=� i 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 �"i 0.1 % 0.6 0.5 sec :�. 0.1 VV 0 .5 2 � , ' 4 'T 8 6 0.5 � Power ':llLAI\ � 10 Hz (a) r 0.1 % ""i sec Velocity : �VW' 'W �.,A � 2 � 0.5 0.3 Degrees/sec sec P ��'i Position Degrees Left eye o�oI=r-,.e", . �,"",, -�,",:Io, Tro '2 � 4 (b) 6 8 Hz Right eye o�� Q3 Ql ':10 Q5 Velocity Degrees/sec � . % o ':�' 2 4 i s� �,"" s� ..., 10 6 Hz (c) by a Eye movement studies. (a) Case 1 before surgery. (b) Case 1 after surgery. (c) Case 2 after surgery. Top trace shows free-running eye movements. Lower traces show an analysis of one oscillation of the eye. Fourier analysis of the power spectrum shown on the bottom trace reveals a frequency of eye movement of 2.4 Hz in case 1 and 2.3 Hz in case 2. Fig. 1. nasogastric tube for the first month but amplitude rhythmical vertical eye movements, inter­ has remained a problem. Her mental state remained right gaze palsy. There were synchronous palatal as gradually managed liquid food, although choking good. After 1 year she was referred to the ophthalmic department. She was able to sit in a mittent blepharospasm, a left gaze palsy and a partial well as head and upper body movements. Baclofen had caused a transient improvement in vision. She wheelchair. She had severe oscillopsia, causing her to was also taking sodium valproate 400 mg b.d. which visual acuity was 6/36. She had been treated with on the eye movements. After 18 months the inferior spend most of the day with her eyes closed. Her timoptol 0.5% b.d. for open angle glaucoma, but had maintained good visual acuity at 6/9 and almost full fields. On examination she had bilateral large- had reduced the tremor a little but had had no effect and superior recti were disinserted in both eyes, as in case 1. This reduced the amount of vertical move­ ment but did not eliminate it. The oscillopsia was OCULOPALATAL MYOCLONUS 21 (a) (b) (c) (d) MRI scans of brain stem in case I (a, b) and case 2 (c, d). (a, c) Blood in IV ventricle. (b, d) Increased signal intensity reveals inferior olivary enlargement. Fig. 2. initially reduced but at 3 months after surgery her symptoms had largely returned, although less so in the right eye. Her left eye was therefore patched. She declined treatment with retrobulbar botulinum toxin, mainly due to the difficulties of attending hospital regularly. Eye Movement Studies The eye movements of the two cases were measured with infrared refiectometry. This was carried out before and after surgery in case 1 and only after surgery in case 2. The average frequency of the pendular movements, calculated by Fourier analysis of the traces, was 2.4 Hz in case 1 and 2.3 Hz in case 2. In case 1 the amplitude of the eye movements was reduced by surgery but the rhythm of the movements continued unabated. The pendular movements were unaffected by attempts to fixate, converge or gaze in any direction (Fig. 1). MRI and CT Scan Findings On T2-weighted MRI both cases showed bilateral enlargement of the inferior olivary nuclei, with increased signal intensity and blood in the fourth ventricle (case 1, Fig. 2a, b; case 2, Fig. 2c, d). The MRI scan was taken 10 months after the initial presentation in case 1 and after 14 months in case 2. eT scans taken at the time of the acute event showed S. 1. TALKS AND 1. S. ELSTON 22 brain stem haemorrhages, but it was not possible to resolve the exact site of damage. tory and oblique movements have been described?·8 The frequencies of the pendular movements were very similar in the two cases (2.3 and 2.4 Hz) and similar to the frequencies found by Gresty et at? who DISCUSSION Oculopalatal myoclonus follows a lesion in the dento-rubro-olivary tract and is associated with enlargement of the inferior olivary nuclei.4.5 This tract passes from the cerebellar dentate nucleus via the superior cerebellar penduncle to the contra­ lateral red nucleus and then to the ipsilateral inferior olivary nucleus through the central tegmental tract.6.7 recorded a mode of between 2.6 and 3 Hz with a mean of 3.6 Hz in 16 cases of pendular nystagmus, although not all these cases had oculopalatal myoclonus. Hoh and Sakata23 reported frequencies of 2-3 Hz. In some of these cases various movements modified the nystagmus, such as saccades or near gaze, but we did not find any modifying factor. Why the rhythm is at 2.3-2.4 Hz and what the Damage to the central tegmental tract produces source of this rhythm is is uncertain, especially to involved, from the palate to the diaphragm. The enlargement of the ipsilateral inferior olive. Damage the dentate nucleus results in contralateral enlargement. In some cases bilateral inferior olivary enlargement occurs. Correspondingly oculopalatal myoclonus may be bilateral or unilateral. The bilateral or midline form tends to show pendular movements whereas the lateral form may have more rotatory movements.8 Both our cases were midline forms. As we have shown this enlargement of the inferior olivary nuclei can be seen with an MRI scan. In both our cases bilateral inferior olivary enlarg�ment was found. In unilateral cases of oculopalatal myoclonus the contralateral inferior olive has been shown to be enlarged on MRI.9 Only 3 previous MRI reports have documented bilateral inferior olivary enlarge­ ment in clinical cases of midline oculopalatal myoclonus.1O-1 2 There have been a total of 17 reported cases of MRI showing olivary enlargement, but only 4 with oculopalatal myoclonus,u-1 6. In some cases olivary enlargement has not been demon­ strated on MRJ.ll,1 7 This may relate to the quality of the scan or sensitivity of the method, as pathologically almost all patients with oculopalatal myoclonus have enlarged inferior olives. Typical MRI findings are increased signal intensity on because of the wide range of body movements role of the inferior olive is uncertain as the pathology is of degeneration. In view of the diversity of structures involved it may be that the rhythm relates to a property of neuronal function rather than the particular neuronal circuit involved.3 Inferior olivary neuronal generate cell membranes cycles of have excitation been and found to inhibition?4 Another theory is that the pendular eye movements are due to an instability in the vestibulo-ocular reflex adaptation mechanism, as a result of a dysfunction in the inferior olive leading to inappropriate oscillatory discharges by the floccular Purkinje cells.8 In both our cases the vestibulo-ocular reflex was absent. Increased glucose metabolism has been shown in the region of the inferior olive on positron emission tomography in palatal myoclonus, but not in the one patient with oculopalatal myoclonus?5 An alterna­ tive argument is that the inferior olive is not the generator of palatal myoclonus but that the nucleus ambiguus and adjacent dorsolateral reticular forma­ tion may be, as they are involved in rhythmic activity such as respirationP Patients with oculopalatal myoclonus are often proton- or T2-weighted images and enlargement of the inferior 01ives.9.1 l severely debilitated with poor mobility. They may enlargement to develop.1 8 This is similar to the time Treatment is difficult. Numerous pharmacological inferior olivary enlargement is thought to occur results have been documented in case reports with pathological changes consist of enlargement and vacuolation of neurones, neuronal loss, gliosis and clonazepam,19 trihexyphenidyl?O 5-hydroxytrypto­ phan plus carbidopa?l hyoscine3 and baclofen?2 oculopalatal myoclonus follows a brain stem haem­ been documented not to help?·6.32.33 Treatment has There is a latency of 2-49 months for olivary well be mentally alert and find particularly serious addition to oscillopsia a their handicaps. delay in onset of the rhythmical movements. The agents have been tried with varying success. Good secondarily to transneuronal degeneration.4 sodium valproate,26 phenytoin,27 carbamazepine,28 The astrocytic hypertrophy.19-21 In the majority of cases However, in other case reports these agents have orrhage, as in our two cases. All the cases in which also been tried without much success with prochlor­ previous can be a problem. One of our patients had been MRI has been brain performed stem showed haemorrhage. evidence of Oculopalatal myoclonus, can, however, occur with certain neo­ plasms, degenerative diseases, encephalitis. after trauma and with multiple sclerosis?2 The eye movements in oculopalatal myoclonus are usually pendular vertical movements, although rota- perazine, tetrabenazine and diazepam?,6,34 Sedation treated with baclofen and sodium valproate without success. Optical dampening of oscillopsia has been tried using high minus-power contact lenses in conjunction with high plus-power spectacles?5 but this is not OCULOPALATAL MYOCLONUS always satisfactory. Botulinum toxin can be of benefit, either given directly into the muscles or retrobulbar. However, it needs to be given every 3-4 months and ptosis can be a problem?6 Retrobulbar botulinum toxin can also cause the loss of the vestibular ocular reflex, which may be a problem, especially in patients who can walk. Our patients both had poor mobility and found travelling to the hospital difficult. They therefore decided to opt for surgery as an attempt at a more permanent solution. We did not feel pre-operative botulinum toxin injections would help clarify the likely success of surgery. Surgery for nystagmus is usually of benefit where there is a null point and is carried out to correct a compensatory head pos­ ture?7 Surgery to try to decrease the nystagmus itself and to control oscillopsia has not frequently been performed. Retroequatorial recessions of the hori­ zontal recti for congenital nystagmus have been found to have some success?8 Detaching an extrao­ cular muscle and fixing it to periosteum has been tried?9 Spalton et at. 32 carried out 10 mm recessions on the inferior and superior rectus of one eye of a patient with ocular myoclonus without success. We disinserted the inferior and superior recti of both eyes in both patients to try to produce a maximum decrease in vertical movements. In case 2 this only dampened the oscillations mildly, but in case 1 it did provide temporary relief of oscillopsia. The much reduced oscillopsia was then controlled by botulinum toxin injections. Surgery of this nature could lead to vertical diplopia, but with surgery to both eyes this would not be expected to be a problem. Much more of a problem is adequate control of the vertical oscillations. In conclusion, MRI in oculopalatal myoclonus can help confirm the diagnosis by showing inferior olivary enlargement. Surgery may help reduce oscillopsia but additional botulinum toxin injections may be required. We would like to acknowledge the help of M. R. Baker, DPhil, ARCS, Research Scientist, and P. Anslow, FRCR, Consultant Radiologist, in preparing this paper. Key words: Oculopalatal myoclonus, MRI, Nystagmus, Rectus muscle. REFERENCES 1. Spencer HR. Pharyngeal and laryngeal 'nystagmus'. Lancet 1886;2:702. 2. Guillian G. 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