Coexistence of Primary Antiphospholipid Syndrome and Protein S Deficiency in a Hispanic Man With Ischemic Stroke YOLANDA REYES-IGLESIAS, MD, ARTURO A. ORTIZ, MD, DARIO M. GOITIA, MD, and RAFAEL MELENDEZ, MD, San Juan, Puerto Rico ABSTRACT: The primary antiphospholipid syndrome and protein S deficiency are known hypercoagulable states predisposing to ischemic strokes. The pathogenesis of those hypercoagulable states has been independently studied and, recently, interaction between them has been proposed. A 48-year-old Hispanic man had generalized seizures 5 months after the acute onset of a left middle cerebral artery infarct. He had a strong family history of strokes. After evaluation for cardiologic, rheumatologic, hematologic and metabolic etiologies for stroke, anticardiolipin antibodies and protein S deficiency were detected. Cerebral angiography was normal. First degree relatives were evaluated and screened for these conditions. Lupus anticoagulant was detected in a sister who reported a transient hemisensory deficit. None of the relatives studied had clinical or laboratory criteria for collagen vascular diseases. Coexistence of the primary antiphospholipid syndrome and protein S deficiency, two known prothrombotic states, has rarely been reported in Hispanic adults in association with ischemic stroke. ANTIPHOSPHOLIPID ANTIBODIES currently recog- nized are the lupus anticoagulant and anticar- diolipin antibodies.'* These are circulating immunoglobulins associated with a prothrom- botic state. These antibodies were initially described in association with collagen vascular diseases.’ The primary antiphospholipid syn- drome (PAS) is a hypercoagulable state due to the presence of lupus anticoagulant and/or _ anticardiolipin antibodies without an underly- ing collagen vascular disease or other autoim- mune diseases. This entity has been estab- lished as an independent risk factor for ischemic stroke and is an important etiology of stroke in young adults.’ Several cases of familial occurrence of the PAS have been reported. Despite extensive studies on these antibodies, their exact pathogenesis has not been established. Several mechanisms have been proposed including interference with the protein C-S anticoagulation system.’ An association between free protein S deficiency (PSD) and antiphospholipid antibodies has From the Department of Medicine, Neurology Section, Veterans Administration Medical Center and University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, San Juan. wecprint requests to Yolanda Reyes-Iglesias, MD, Department of icine, Neurology Section, One Veterans Plaza, San Juan, Poets Rico 00927-5800. been documented recently in patients with sys- temic lupus erythematosus, human immuno- deficiency virus (HIV-1) and early childhood.” We describe a family with ischemic strokes, not associated to collagen vascular diseases or HIV-1, where the possible interaction between the PAS and PSD may be illustrated. CASE REPORT A 48-year-old right-handed Hispanic man with recently diagnosed hypertension and no toxic habits was admitted to our service, due to the acute onset of generalized seizures, 5 months after a left middle cerebral artery infarct was diagnosed in a previous hospitalization. The general physical examination was normal. The neurologic examination revealed an alert mental status, a mild right hemiparesis (grade 4/5), an expressive aphasia, and a right Babinski sign. Cardiac evaluations including electro- cardiogram and 2D-transthoracic echocardiography were normal. Brain computed tomography (CT) scan and mag- netic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed an old left mid- dle cerebral artery territory ischemic infarct (Fig 1). Cerebral arteriography was normal. Complete blood count, routine serum chemistries, prothrombin time, and partial thompboplastin time were within normal limits. Sedimentation rate was at 61 mm/hr (Westergren method). Electroencephalogram revealed focal slowing over the left frontoparietal region, without epileptogenic discharges. The family history revealed several members affected by ischemic strokes, which prompted a thorough evaluation for inherited etiologies of stroke in our patient. Gamma G immunoglobulin (IgG) anticardiolipin antibod- ies were detected at 20.1 g-phospholipid levels (GPL) units 296 March 1998 * SOUTHERN MEDICAL JOURNAL * Vol. 91, No. 3 FIGURE 1. Axial T1- and T2-weighted magnetic resonance images show left middle cerebral artery territory Infarction. No significant periventricular hyper- densities were noted. (normal, 0 to 11.9, Roche Laboratories, NC) and free pro- tein S level was decreased at 53% (normal, >78%, Roche). Total protein S was >100% (normal, >79%, Roche). Lupus anticoagulant was negative (Roche), Serum venereal dis- ease research laboratories (VDRL) and antinuclear anti- bodies (ANA) titers were negative. Protein C antigen and antithrombin IIT levels were normal. Hemoglobin elec- trophoresis, lactate levels, lipid profile, and a 24-hour uri- nary cysteine collection were within normal limits. Liver function tests, renal function, and human immunodefi- ciency virus (HIV) testing were negative. Serum e-galac- tosidase levels were normal. Routine cerebrospinal fluid values were within normal limits and no oligoclonal bands were detected. The patient was treated with enalapril, ticlo- pidine and phenytoin, IgG anticardiolipin antibodies and free protein S deficiency were still present 6 months after the initial testing at 58.4 GPL units and 56%, respectively. At this time, total protein S level was at 90%. After diagnosis of the PAS and PSD in our index case, we screened several first-degree relatives for these condi- tions (Fig 2). Other tests included complete blood count, serum chemistries, lipid profile, ANA and VDRL titers, sed- imentation rate, sickle cell preparation, and antithrombin III levels. Neurologic examinations were done and no neu- rologic deficits were found in any of the members exam- ined. One sister reported a transient right-sided numbness lasting a few minutes, several months before our evalua- tion, She was found with a positive lupus anticoagulant test (Nichols Institute, Calif), She had no history of miscar- riages or thromboses. All members tested had a brain CT scan to evaluate for subclinical cerebrovascular disease and all scans were unremarkable, None of the members tested was found with clinical or laboratory features of collagen vascular diseases. FAMILY MEMBERS WITH STROKE/TIA * FAMILY MEMBERS AVAILABLE FOR TESTING FIGURE 2. Pedigree of family. DISCUSSION Antiphospholipid antibodies are known to induce a prothrombotic state through a still undefined mechanism. Several possibilities have been proposed. Interference with activa- tion of coagulation factors X, XI, and XII at phospholipid dependent steps has been sug- gested. Inhibition of prothrombinase com- plex", inhibition of endothelial prostaglandin L,” and binding of the lupus anticoagulant to Beglycoprotein 1 (apoprotein H) are other proposed mechanisms. Finally, an association between the protein C-S pathway and the pres- ence of antiphospholipid antibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus has been reported.‘ In our case, it would be unlikely that the anticardiolipin antibodies were an epiphenomenon of stroke since they were first detected 5 months after the initial ischemic infarct and before the patient was started on phenytoin. The protein C-S pathway is a vitamin K- dependent anticoagulant system.'*" Intra- vascular thrombosis is prevented through this system, together with antithrombin III and the fibrinolytic system. The active protein C inacti- vates coagulation factors Va and VIIa, in the presence of the cofactor protein S and phos- pholipid membranes. Protein S exists in an active free fraction, and in an inactive fraction bound to complement C4b binding protein." Familial and acquired forms of protein S defi- ciency have been described. Acquired forms have been described in patients receiving war- farin therapy, and in those with the nephrotic syndrome, severe liver disease, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and HIV infec- tion,®"" among others. Several studies have reported reduced free protein S levels in Reyes-Iglesias et al » HISPANIC MAN WITH ISCHEMIC STROKE 297 patients with collagen vascular diseases and antiphospholipid antibodies.**”* In our patient, the decrement in free protein S level was consistent and persisted up to 11 months after the stroke. Family screening favored an acquired pattern of protein S deficiency in our patient, although an autosomal recessive inheritance cannot be totally excluded. Our patient was an adult Hispanic man with an ischemic stroke and coexistence of the pri- mary antiphospholipid syndrome and protein § deficiency. Protein S deficiency has been described in a woman with human T-cell lym- photropic virus type I (HTLV-I) without antiphospholipid antibodies.'’® The possibility of interaction between these two prothrom- botic states in the setting of systemic lupus ery- thematosus (SLE) and HIV-infected patients as a mechanism of thrombosis has already been suggested. In patients with SLE, a blood component binding to protein S and inactivat- ing it has been proposed.‘ In HIV-1 infected patients, there is an increased incidence of anti-protein S autoantibodies.'” Our patient did not have any autoimmune process making the coexistence of antiphospholipid antibod- ies and protein S deficiency more relevant. The binding of antiphospholipid antibodies to protein S interfering with its function is a pos- sibility that requires further testing. In an ear- lier study, the presence of anticardiolipin anti- bodies seemed to be related to acquired deficiencies of total protein S, free protein S, and C4b binding protein.” Further studies on these coexistent prothrombotic states are needed to establish whether the free protein S deficiency is independent, acts synergistically, or occurs due to the presence of antiphospho- lipid antibodies. References 1, Levine SR: Antiphospholipid syndromes and the nervous system: clinical features, mechanisms, and treatment. 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