Significant Case Reports Extrarolandic Origin of Spike and Myoclonus Activity in Epilepsia Partialis Continua: A Magnetoencephalographic and Positron Emission Tomography Study Although there was no obvious phase relationship between interictal spikes and myoclonic jerks, the myocloni were initiated from within the interictal spike area in the extrarolandic cortex. The data demonstrate that motor symptoms may be a remote effect of epileptic activity within functional brain circuits. J. Volkmann, MD Department of Neurology Heinrich-Heine-University Moorenstr. 5 40225 Dusseldorf, Germany Key words: Epilepsia partialis continua, PET, EEG. R. J. Seitz, MD Volkmann J, Seitz RJ, Muller-Gartner HW, Witte OW. Extrarolandic origin of spike and myoclonus activity in epilepsia partialis continua: a magnetoencephalographic and positron emission tomography study. J Neuroimag 1998;8: 103-106 Department of Neurology Heinrich-Heine-University H. W. Muller-Gartner, MD Institute for Med1cine Research Center JL.ilich Julich, Germany 0. W. Witte, MD Department of Neurology Heinrich-Heine-University ABSTRACT The dipole sources of interictal spike activity were localized and the myoclonus activity back-averaged by combined magnetoencephalography and surface electromyographic measurements in a child who had epilepsia partialis continua without a structural brain lesion. Dipole sources were matched with metabolic information obtained from interictal 5fluoro-o-glucose positron emission tomography (PET) and superimposed onto highresolution magnetic resonance images. Dipole sources of interictal epileptic discharges clustered within the inferior parietal cortex, which also showed a regional hypermetabolism on PET scans. The dipole sources of reafferent activity following myocloni in the postcentral gyrus were associated with a local hypometabolism. Received Mar 26, 1996, and in revised form Sep 9, 1996, and May 6, 1997. Accepted for publication May 7, 1997. Address correspondence to Dr Volkmann. Epilepsia partialis continua (EPC) is a rare form of a partial epileptic status characterized by continuous myoclonic twitching of a body part. EPC can occur with a variety of etiologically different acute or chronic brain lesions including Rasmussen's encephalitis. Most authors describe a cortical origin of myoclonic activity in EPC. 1 Time-locked myoclonic and interictal spike activity in some patients with EPC suggests an initiation of myoclonic activity from within the spikegenerating zone. In the majority of patients, however, polygraphic recordings fail to demonstrate an obvious phase relation between epileptic and myoclonic discharges. Using electromyography (EMG)-triggered back-averaging of electroencephalographic (EEG) activity in a patient with EPC without premyoclonic EEG spikes, Celesia and colleagues 2 recently demonstrated that the source of myoclonic activity fell within the foot area of the primary motor cortex in close vicinity to an arteriovenous malformation presumably causing the disorder. The present authors combined magnetoencephalography (MEG), [18F]2-fluoro-2deoxy-n-glucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET), and high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to noninvasively localize the irritative (spike-generating) zone and symptomato- genic (myoclonus-generating) zone in a child who had EPC without a structural brain lesion. Case Report The 11-year-old girl was the seventh child of healthy, nonconsanguineous parents, born after uneventful pregnancy and labor. At the age of 2 years the girl had a minor head injury as a result of a fall from a chair and shortly later developed stuttering. Motor and intellectual development was otherwise normal. Six months before admission to the hospital the girl experienced a first focal motor seizure on the right side of her body with secondary generalization. Within the following weeks, seizure frequency increased up to 12/hr regardless of the high doses of various anticonvulsive drugs administered. At the same time a rapidly progressive right-sided hemiparesis emerged. On admission to the authors' hospital, neurological examination revealed a right-sided hemiparesis and a continuous, approximately 1/sec myoclonic twitching of the right fingers. Somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) showed increased conduction latencies (42.8 msec) after right tibial nerve stimulation but no giant potentials. Transcranial magnetic stimulation could not elicit a motor evoked response in the right anterior tibial muscle, despite normal amplitude and central conduction latencies to the other extremities. MRis at the time of the recording were normal but previous MRis had shown a diffuse edema of the left sensorimotor and parietal cortex. Positive cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) oligoclonal bands with preserved normal cell count suggested a chronic encephalitis. Rasmussen's encephalitis was discussed but the results of a brain biopsy were inconclusive. Methods Spontaneous interictal neuromagnetic activity was registered using a 74-channel dual-probe MEG system (Biomagnetic Technologies). The two MEG probes were centered around C3/C4 covering approximately two-thirds of each hemisphere (Fig 1). For dipole fitting, a spherical head model was chosen; it was Copyright© 1998 by the American Society of Neuroimaging 103 -31 ms 77 ms MEG (LH) MEG (RH) EMG 0 ms The back-averaged, jerk-locked MEG waveforms superimposed for all channels of the left (LH) and right hemispheric (RH) probe are shown. Dipolar field patterns (shown in isocontour diagrams on the right) resulting in dipole fits with low residual variance could only be observed around 30 msec prior and 80 msec after the onset of EMG activity over the left hemisphere. Solid lines in the isocontour diagrams indicate ingoing, and dashed lines 1ndicate outcoming magnetic flux. For better orientation the position of each sensor of the dual-probe 37-channel MEG system is displayed on the left with respect to the digitized head surface of the patient Fig 1. determined by digitizing the surface of the subject's head and using an iterative algorithm to calculate the best-fitting sphere. Single equivalent dipole fits with a goodness of fit > 0.95 were used to compute mean dipole locations in a window of ±5 msec around peak latencies for each of 27 interactively identified, interictal spikes. The rectified and integrated EMG activity of the flexor digitorum superficialis was used to trigger backaveraging of myoclonus activity (204 events). The MEG baseline was established in each epoch by DC-offset correction in the time period 500 to 250 msec prior to EMG onset. From the backaveraged waveforms and for each hemisphere, independent single equivalent dipole (ECD) solutions were computed for every sample point within a time window of -150 to 500 msec around EMG onset. Only those dipole fits that had a goodness of fit > 0.9 at latencies showing a clear dipolar field distribution were accepted for further analysis. Immediately prior to MEG, FDG-PET was carried out using a Scanditronix PC 4096/7 WB PET camera as described in 104 detail elsewhere? No seizure activity was noticed clinically or on the EEG during PET scanning. lnterictal spike rate and myoclonus activity were comparable during PET and MEG. ECD and PET data were matched with the individual MRI anatomy (Siemens Magnetom, T1 three-dimensional [3D] flash sequence) using the surfacematching module of Analyze to align the MRI and PET volumina and in-house software to convert MEG dipole coordinates into MRI pixel coordinates based on fiducial markers. 4 MRI sectioning, 3D rendering, and multimodal image integration were performed on a SUN workstation using Analyze software. Hypermetabolic and hypometabolic areas on PET scans were defined as pixel values lying outside of a 2-standard deviation range around the mean cortical metabolism of the contralateral hemisphere. This statistical approach, which consists of the only way of looking at focal changes in brain metabolism in a single case, is justified in two regards: (1) Heiss and coworkers 5 showed that for normal subjects, metabolic rates and kinetic con- Journal of Neuroimaging Vol 8 No 2 April1998 stants in FDG-PET may vary substantially among different subjects and cortical regions of the same subject, but not between the hemispheres of each individual. (2) In the present patient the ratio of the metabolic rate in the left and right hemisphere was 0.99 ± 0.02, proving a significantly symmetrical hemispheric me· tabolism like that in normal subjects. Results Evaluation of the raw MEG and EMG traces revealed a random phase relationship between interictal spike and myoclonic activity. Less than 20% of myoclonic jerks were preceded by visible spike activity at random time intervals. On the other hand, spikes were often not followed by myoclonic jerks. For 27 interactively identified, interictal spikes, clear dipolar magnetic field patterns were observed and allowed source localization using a single equivalent dipole model. Dipole sources for these spikes clustered within an area of approximately 60 cm 3 within the left inferior parietal lobule. The jerk-locked, averaged waveforms (see Fig 1) showed one prominent de flecti on in the premyoclonic period with a peak latency of 31 msec prior to E MG onset and three deflections in the postmyoclonic period with peak latencies of 77. 172. and 300 msec after EMG onse t, which were all maximal over the left he misphere . A large deflectio n with inward-dire cted flux in all channe ls over th e left hemisphere and outward-directed flux in all right hemispheric channels during myoclonic jerks was presumably caused by a movement artifact and did not result in a localiza ble field distribution. Stable dipolar fie ld p atte rns resulting in single eq ui va knt dipole fits with low residual variance (goodness of fit > 0.90) could only be observed for th e premyoclonic field 50 to 20 msec prior to EMG onset and for the first postmyoclonic field 56 to lOO msec after EMG onset (see Fig I). Since the source locations varied little in the respective time periods. the dipole coordinates at pea k latencies were chosen for anatomical coregistration with PET and MRI images. The second and third postmyoclonic fields at 172 and 300 msec after EMG onset resulted in more diffuse fie ld patterns th at could no t be fitted using a single equivalent dipole model. The source of premyoctonic activity 3 1 msec before EMG onset loca lized to the anterior border of the spike area within the left inferior parietal lobule (goodness of fit = 0.956). Seventy-seven milliseconds after EMG o nse t of myoclo nic activity, a dipolar generator in the left somatosensory cortex was obse rve d (goodness of fit = 0.952) (Fig 2). This postmvoclonic field was consistent in latency, field distribution , and source location with the movement evoked field I (MEF l) normally obtaine d after voluntary finger movements.<' The MEF1 and its e lectrical counterpart m ost probably reflect reafferent activity to area 3a from muscle receptors 7 x spindle and j~Jint FDG-PET showed increased FOG uptake in the left infe rior posterior parie tal cortex- only partially overlapping th e spike area. In add ition, a focal hype rme tabolism was found within the premotor cortex surrounded by decreased FOG uptake in prefrontal and sensorimotor cortex (sec Fig 2 ). As remote effects, a significant hype rmetabolism appeared in the left dorsal thalamus and right cerebellum. Discussion Noninvasive MEG and PET scans in the present patient suggest a cortical origin of EPC in agreement with previous results of intraoperati ve cortical recordin gs. 2 ·'J- J:> D emonstrated were ( l) cortical gene rators o f in terictal epileptic fields. (2 ) the initia tion of jerks in the interictal spike area. and (3 ) focal cortical abnormalities in FOG-PET Some featu res of the present patient deserve special attention: Dipole an alysis revealed that in terictal epile ptiform activity was ge nerated in the in ferior parie tal cortex. D espite an absence of a phase relationship between interictal spikes and myoclonic jerks, premyoclonic activity surprisingly originated from within the intcrictal spike area. as re vealed by the back-averaging technique. T ranscranial magnetic stimulation of the prim ary motor cortex revea led normal corticomuscular conduction latencies (17.2 msec to the left first dorsa l interosseous muscle and 16.4 msec to the right first dorsal interosseous muscle). The latency of 3 1 msec between the prem yoclonic fie ld and myoclonus onset, th erefore, suggests a polysynaptic tran sm ission to the spinal cord, probably via activa tion of the premotor cortex , that was hype rme tabo \ic but showed no dipolar activity on MEG. Unfortunately, MEG did not identify the site of fin al corticospinal o utflow. which may be related to multiple fact o rs such as the presence of myoclonus-induced movement artifacts, limitatio ns of the single equi va le nt dipo le mode l, o r contributio n of radi al curren t components to the generator. While many reports e mphasize that an abnormality within motor cortex itself is responsible for EPC 1 Obeso and coautho rs ' :> argued tha t via dense corticocortica l connections other cortical areas may exert a remote effect on the mo tor cortex in patients with corti cal myoclonus. This would also explain the giant SSEPs often observed in cortical reflex myoclonus: Shibasaki and colleagues 14 suggested th at the enhanceme nt of the Pl-N2 compo ne nt is generated by the same mechanism that un derlies m yoclonus-related cortical spikes. The hyperexcitability in the somatosensory cortex might provide an increased input volley into the motor cortex, which the n causes the jerk. In accordance with such an indirect generation of m yoclonic activity, Cowan and associates 10 presented a case of cortical myoclo nus, EPC, and motor epilepsy in which surface EEG, intraoperative corticography, and PETrevealed abnormal activity in the postcentra l p arie tal cortex. Afte r resecti o n o f the parietal focus, the cortical myoclonus and EPC disappeared. Fig 2. Summa ry of th e cortica l meta bol ic and e lectrophys1o logical cha ng es re lat ed to epilepsia part1alis continua in the investigated child. In a semitransparent 3D MRI rendering , areas of re lat1ve cortica l hypermetabolism appea r 1n red, wh ile areas of corti ca l hypometabolism are in blue. Dipole sou rces of inte rict a l sp 1kes (b lu e squares), myoc lonus ini tiat ing activity (yellow dot), and myoclo nus feedback act1v1ty (green dot) computed fro m MEG are superimposed . Significant Case Report: Volkmann et al: MEG and PET in Epilepsia Partialis Continua 105 Intuitively, one would expect a focal hypermetabolism in the area of the epileptic focus. Such a hypermetabolism has indeed been observed in some patients with EPC, and can also be observed in experimentally induced focal epilepsy. 15 However, just as common has been the observation of a focal hypometabolism in patients with EPC. 16•17 In the present patient areas with focal hypermetabolism and areas with hypometabolism were found. Although areas of regional hypermetabolism and interictal spike activity were adjacent in the inferior parietal cortex, there was only little overlap between them. A possible explanation would be a decoupling of electrophysiological activity and brain metabolism in this region, which has been described in animal models of focal brain lesions [18]. An additional area of focal hypermetabolism was situated in the premotor cortex and was probably related to the generation of epileptic jerks. The hypermetabolic areas were surrounded by areas of hypometabolism as also described for experimental epilepsy. 15 Notably, the reafferent somatosensory activation fell into a zone with reduced metabolism. This may be due to the slow stimulus rate in addition to a partial volume effect based on the relatively low spatial resolution of PET and the small area of activated cortex, 19 which were not sufficient to evoke focal metabolic increases within an area of pathologically reduced metabolism. The present report shows that noninvasive techniques like MEG, PET, and MRI may be useful in analyzing the functional circuits involved in focal epileptic activity. 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