Neurosurg.Rev. 21 (1998) 161 166 M a n a g e m e n t o f a ruptured cerebral aneurysm in infancy. Report o f a case o f a t e n - m o n t h - o l d boy Swen Hiilsmann j, 5, Dag Moskopp z, and Hansdetlef Wassmann z LDepartment of Physiology and Pathophysiology, University of Gdttingen, 2Department of Neurosurgery, University of Mtinster, G e r m a n y Abstract 1 Introduction A ten month old unconscious boy with hemiplegia (Hunt and Hess IV) was first admitted to a district hospital without a CT scanner or a neurosurgical service (GlasgowComa-Score 4, no pathological pupillary signs). Therefore, he was transferred to the Pediatric Department of the University Hospital the same night. An emergency CT scan that night showed intracerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhage with enlarged ventricle (Fisher grade 5). Angiography was not available within reasonable time. Thus in the stage of progressively increasing clinical deterioration, still without pupillary signs, an external ventricular drainage was placed. Immediately after reduction of the cerebrospinal fluid volume, arterial hypertension was noticed- the right pupil was mydriatic and fixed. Without further apparative diagnosis an emergency craniotomy was performed for decompressionunder the suspicion of a secondary hemorrhage due to a rerupture of a middle cerebral artery aneurysm. A bleeding aneurysm of the right middle cerebral artery was found and clipped. A mass transfusion was necessary and a pulmonary air embolism occurred. The infant died in tabula. The histological specimens revealed disruption of the internal elastic membrane of both MCA. This emphasizes a congenital nature of the aneurysm. Intracranial aneurysms in infancy and early childh o o d are rare. The n u m b e r of r e p o r t e d new cases is less than one case per year. 0.005 to 2 % of all diagn o s e d aneurysms are in children [8, 34, 39]. Therefore, most neurosurgeons have little experience with those cases and t r e a t m e n t of infants with a subarachnoid h e m o r r h a g e due to the rupture of cerebral arterial aneurysms is not as well standardized as for adults. I m p o r t a n t problems may occur in the choice of the right t r e a t m e n t and early radiological diagnosis. Consequences for relatives of patients and screening measures have to be discussed. We conclude that cerebral arterial aneurysms have to be considered in the differential diagnosis of stroke-like symptoms in infancy and early childhood, although the incidence of reported cases is less than one case per year. Since no valid screening parameter is available, diagnosis is often made only after rupture of the aneurysm. This causes problems for emergency management. Infants and children with stroke or stroke-like symptoms should immediately be transferred to a hospital with a neurosurgical unit. Keywords: Cerebral pediatric aneurysm, emergency management, fibromuscular dysplasia, infancy and early childhood, subarachnoid hemorrhage. 9 1998by Walter de GruyterGmbH& Co. Berlin-NewYork 2 Case report A boy was born as the second child of healthy parents. His brother, 3 1/2 years old, was known to be healthy with normal development.The boy was born after an uncomplicated and uneventful 40-week-pregnancy. Delivery was uneventful, he weighted 3100 g (50 % percentile), was 52 cm large (50 %) and the circumference of his head was 36 cm (75 %). The Apgar-score was 9/10/10. The immediate postnatal period was normal. After a few weeks the mother noticed a "trembling of the eyes". The nystagmus was of small amplitude and diminished on gazing to either side. A consulted ophthalmologist could not find any anatomical abnormalities and classified the nystagmus as congenital. A t the same time a mild divergent strabismus of the right eye was noticed and treated with occlusion.The nystagmus persisted. The child had relapsing nonspecific infection of the upper respiratory tract. At the age of 9 month he was brought to the Pediatric Department. 162 Hfilsmann et al, Management of a rupture cerebral aneurysm in infancy Head circumference was 47 cm (50 % percentile), weight 8100 g (25-50 %). The psychomotoric development was retarded without focal neurological deficit. The parachute reaction was not normal. His roll over movements were still uncoordinated and laborious, he could not sit without support. An E E G was normal. Suddenly at ten months the boy was found unconscious, with left-sided hemiplegia. He had vomited. He was transported initially to a small hospital, where no CT-scanner was available. On admission there, the child was unconscious and had left-sided hemiplegia. He was breathing spontaneously. The pupils were the same size, round, and reactive to light. The patient showed right-sided spontaneous movements and posturing (Glasgow Coma Score (GCS 4)). For a CT scan the boy had to be transferred to the pediatric department of our hospital. The computerized tomography scan of the head showed massive subarachnoid and intracerebral hemorrhage (Fisher grade 5) [11] with ventricular hemorrhage and cerebral midline sift, brain edema and hydrocephalus (Figures i and 2). The hematoma of the right sylvian fissure suggested an arterio-venous-malformation or a ruptured aneurysm. At this point the patient was presented to us. We saw a comatose infant with left sided hemiplegia, breathing spontaneously and showing spontaneous movements on the right side, still without pupillary signs (GCS 4). Since angiography was not available within reasonable time, we decided to place an external ventricular drainage to gain time in a stage of progressively increasing intracranial pressure. A n external ventricular drainage was placed. Immediately after reduction of the crerebrospinal fluid volume arterial hypertension was noticed - the right pupil was mydriatic and fixed. Under the suspicion of a secondary hemorrhage due to a rerupture of the aneurysm we performed an emergency craniotomy for decompression without further apparative diagnosis. A bleeding aneurysm of the right middle cerbral artery was found and clipped with three Sugitaclips. The blood loss during surgery was massive and required transfusion of 5 erythrocyte concentrates and 1000 ml of fresh frozen plasma. During the course of surgery a pulmonary artery embolism occurred. The patient became hypotensive and hypothermic. Although volume was replaced and catecholamines were given he finally suffered metabolic failure. All efforts of resuscitation were unsuccessful. A postmortem examination was performed. The macroscopy of the CNS revealed an extraordinarilly edematous brain with subarachnoid and intraventricular hemorrhage. A saccular aneurysm of the right middle cerebral artery (MCA) was confirmed with the clips in correct place. No further mascroscopic changes or aneurysms of cerebral vessels were found. Additionally, the autopsy revealed acute congestive right heart failure and dilatation of the pulmonary artery, consistent with a pulmonary air embolism and hemorrhagic shock signs. An acute catarrhal bronchitis and bilateral cryptochidism was noticed. The microscopy of the circle of Willis showed focal proliferations of the intima with segregation and dis- Figure 1. Computerized tomography scan from a ten-monthold boy presenting with loss of consciousness and hemiplegia. It shows the extension of subarachnoid and intracerebral hemorrhage on admission to the university hospital. The ventricular hemorrhage extended into the fourth ventricle. Figure 2. A second slice of the CT scan from a ten-month-old boy presenting with loss of consciousness and hemiplegia. The ventricular hemorrhage is in the right lateral and third ventricle. There is also evidence of brain edema and occlusion hydrocephalus. Neurosurg. Rev.21 (1998) Htilsmann et al, Management of a rupture cerebral aneurysm in infancy ruption of the internal elastic membrane (IEM). These changes were found bilaterally in the MCA. Further aneurysmatic dilatations or aneurysms in a nascent state were not seen. 3 Discussion [ntracranial aneurysms are rarely reported in children and especially in infancy. Up to now there are fewer than 100 reports of cerebral aneurysms in children below the age of five years [2, 7, 8, 9,19, 22, 25,28, 29, 30, 31,32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 44, 46, 51,54, 55, 58]. Paloetti et al [40] summarized 44 cases of cerebral aneurysms in children of less than 3 years. W h e n Ferrante reviewed the literature in 1988, he added 24 new cases of patients younger than 3 years and 21 patients younger than 5 years of age [9]. Since then ten new cases have been reported in this age group [8, 19, 22, 28, 30, 37, 38, 42, 46, 47]. The number of reported new cases is less than one case per year. 0.005 to 2 % of all diagnosed aneurysms are pediatric [8, 34, 39]. In an autopsy series by Chason and Hindman not one aneurysm was found in a series of 203 children under 10 years [5]. There is still no reliable information about the incidence of cerebral aneurysms in infancy and early childhood in the literature. Reviewing the literature we disclosed 46 cases of cerebral aneurysms in infants younger than i year. Of these aneurysms, four were considered to be traumatic or associated with a recent trauma [1, 36, 42], two appeared to be mycotic [24, 30], one was associated with fibromuscular hyperplasia of the renal arteries [3], one with moya moya disease ]cited in 9] and one with Rendu osler disease [47]. The remaining cases were thought to be congenital. Histology was not available for all these cases, but in 13 of the cases histological examination disclosed structural 163 changes of the media: e. g., lack or fragmentation of the internal elastic m e m b r a n e (IEM) in the aneurysm and adjacent vessel wall [3, 4, 10, 15, 16, 23, 26, 28, 30, 33, 43]. In our recent case the media was cushioned and fragmentation and splitting of the internal elastic lamina was noticed in parts of both the middle cerebral arteries and in the aneurysms dome. These changes are likely to promote the generation of aneurysms since experimental data suggest that the I E M normally withstands intraluminal pressures up to 600 m m H g [14]. Thus defects of the I E M explain why the blood pressure can cause bulging of the vessel wall and promote the development of the aneurysm [50]. But the cause of I E M disruptions is not known yet [13]. Fibromuscular dysplasia [45] (Table I) was reported by our pathologist and in two other cases [3, 28]. This disease causes changes of the I E M that may cause or at least promote generation of cerebral aneurysms in infancy and early childhood. The etiology of F D itself is not known, yet all reported cases of aneurysms with pathological I E M might as well be due to FD. Still questionable is the hereditary nature of infantile aneurysms. Only one sibling of the 45 patients with infantile aneurysm also suffered from an aneurysm [28]. Subarachnoid hemorrhage has been confirmed in a brother who died at the age of 7 days. In one other case an identical twin died early in life with symptoms consistent wieh S A H , but the brain was not included in autopsy [36]. In the remaining cases there is no hint of a hereditary nature of the aneurysm, although no screening of relatives is documented. The youngest child with a familial aneurysm was 4 years old [52]. To our knowledge no examination of the brother or other relatives of our patient has been performed yet. However, there have been reports of a familial accumulation [6, 12, 17, 28, Table I: Hist•••gicalf•rms•ffibr•muscu•ardysp•asia(adaptedfr•mRemme•e[45])•TypeAandB1c•rresp•ndbestwith the findings in the vessel wall of cerebral aneurysms Type Relative frequency Morphology, conseqnences A 10 % Fibrodysplasia of the intima: proliferation of fibroblasts and fibrosis of the intima - the elastica interna might also be changed B1 2-3 % Fibromuscular dysplasia of the media: proliferation of smooth muscle cells and fibrosis, disruption of the internal elastic layer is possible B2 75-80 % Fibrodysplasia of the media: presenting with the typical "strings of beads"-pattern and thinning of the media in the dilatations C 10-15 % Fibrodysplasia of the subadventitia: segmental annular fibrosis in the area of the external elastic membrane Neurosurg. Rev.21(i998) Htilsmann et al, Management of a rupture cerebral aneurysm in infancy 164 52] of aneurysm. Since the trait is not obvious and there are no laboratory parameters for screening, all siblings should undergo either angiography, angioCT, or angio-MRI. Reliable angiography results, however, carry risk due to the invasive character of this investigation. Less invasive tests like the angioCT or angio-MRI are almost as reliable, but more expensive [491.Unfortunately, a negative result does not rule out the development of an aneurysm in the future, and repetive scans are required during lifetime. Thus, this technique is not suited for general screening in asymptomatic patients. But since the risk of surgical treatment of an unruptured aneurysm is so low, and morbidity of a ruptured aneurysm is so high, screening measures to detect asymptomatic aneurysms in families of a patient with an aneurysm appear justified. There are also no tests for screening aneurysms. A promising approach appears to be the screening for deficiency of alpha-1antitrypsin, a protease inhibtor, in the serum of patients. Such a deficiency has been reported in coincidence with cerebral artery aneurysms [48]. Other authors are less convinced of this connection [5711. Further investigations have to follow. When admitting an infant with stroke or stroke-like symptoms, neurosurgeons should consider a rupture of an aneurysm. Most of the prior cases included subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and/or intracranial hemorrhage (68 %). A t least twelve of these scored I V - V on the Hunt and Hess scale [21], but information on the clinical picture is limited in most cases (Table 2). We had to cope with an infant in bad condition (Hunt and Hess IV). The CT scan re- quired a quick decision. Angiography was not available within a reasonable time. A "reasonable time" would be 20 to 30 min in a well-organized hospital. Angiography was performed immediately after admission in only two cases [3, 26] and surgical treatment was initiated in only one of these cases [26]. This indicates one problem of diagnostics: time. In most cases in, the literature surgery was delayed until after angiography with a generally good outcome. In our case, the plan to win time for sufficient diagnosis by placing an external ventricular drainage had to be given up when the pupils became fixed. We decided to perform an emergency decompression. This appears ex-post-facto to be a reasonable decision, since emergency craniotomy and trapping of an aneurysm generally shows a good outcome [26]. Neurosurgeons should strive for an early diagnosis and efficient emergency treatment if subarachnoid hemorrhage has occurred. Unfortunately, many physicians are not aware of the fact that cerebral aneurysms can be present and bleed in the very young patient. Management of children and infants with strokes or strokelike events might be a problem. To our knowledge no standard has been defined for the emergency management of young patients with cerebral aneurysms. In our case of the 10 month old boy, treatment was delayed because the patient was not directly transported to a neurosurgical department. Since acute hemorrhage of aneurysms or arterio-venous malformations (AVM) and ischemic strokes can present with the same symptoms [27], it is difficult to decide where to send the patient. A final diagnosis can not be made at the emergency site. Because bleeding aneurysms and AVM's Table II: Conservative and operative management of infantile cerebral aneurysns. Surgery Hunt and Hess Hunt and Hess Hunt and Hess Grade 0 Grade 1-3 Grade 4 5 died survived died survived died survived 0 3 0 5 0 4 (Clipping, (29, 51, 56) (1, 4,16, 30, 35) (7, 25, 26", 55) etc.**) no 2 4 1 1 7 0 Surgery (23, 32) (41, 44, 53, 54) (33) (31) (2, 3, 10, 15, 28, 1, 43) Source: 45 patients reviewed in the literature, taking only those where sufficient clinical data was available, Hunt and Hess - Score according to [21] * emergency surgery ** Trapping, clipping, wrapping, not only ventricular drainage etc. Neurosurg. Rev.21 (1998) H[ilsmann et al, Management of a rupture cerebral aneurysm in infancy have to be treated with neurosurgery, while stroke can be treated conservatively. Transport of children presenting with stroke to a hospital with a neurosurgical service seems reasonable. Transport to the next hospital with a CT-scan is an alternative only if the first clinical examination reveals no acute danger to life. if an AVM or an aneurysm is the cause of symptoms, angiography or angio-CT might be necessary to distinguish different types of bleeding and might also be helpful for planning the surgery even in emergency situations. Thus, these should be available without delay in a hopsital with neurosurgical units. Other differential diagnoses should be ruled out only if there is no indication for emergency surgery. References [1] ANMACHERAL, CG DRAKE: Cerebral artery aneurysms in infancy, childhood and adolescence. Child's brain 1 (1975) 72-80 [2] BILKOWA, M ZAJICEK:Mozkowa krvanci z ceynich aneurismat u deti. Cesk Pediatr 26 (1971) 332-333 [3] BORLANDERH, O HASSLER,B LILIEQUIST~KA WEST. Cerebral aneurysm in an infant with fibromuscular hyperplasia of the renal arteries. 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